Every day, companies displaying new versions of old supplements appear on the market. There would be nothing negative if it was not for their quality. As our domestic market showed - just a few thousand dollars and a large group of fans is needed to start with their own product line. While the production order and the preparation of labels is an extremely simple matter, finding a good and certified raw material is no longer such a trivial thing.
Cheap supplements contain raw materials imported from Asia (mainly China) often of low quality additionally after laboratory analysis you can find heavy metals in significant quantities.

Consumer awareness
The criteria for buying supplements are, in most cases the same: low price and high quantity. Buying the cheapest products to help us bring health to the straight or support them during intense effort or everyday life we kind of shoot ourselves in the foot. The lack of laboratory analysis of the finished product or raw materials used for its production is to buy a cat in a sack. While in the case of plant extracts at most we will not feel positive effects on our body the fatty acids in the rancid form may harm us, as well as the heavy metals contained in them.
Product inspection
Several weeks ago we decided to look for a laboratory that will undertake to examine several products from our offer. The choice fell on the increasingly popular Apollos Hegemony products.
Fish Oil on the label presents exactly the same composition as the Omega-3 Gold by Olimp. The similarity of the raw material meant that we decided to verify them. We ordered J.S. Hamilton Poland S.A. to verify the composition of this supplement.

Apollos Hegemony Fish Oil quality - summary
As can be seen from the above studies, the Apollos Hegemony Fish Oil dietary supplement contains the declared amounts of EPA and DHA and the raw material used is free of heavy metals.