Strength training is associated, understandably, with the gym. However, what if we do not have access to a fitness club or do not want to use them for various reasons? We are here to help. Here are 5 ways to perfect training to get that sweat going. What's equally important, you will not spend a dime on the membership!
1. Outdoor gym
Outdoor gyms appear in our neighbourhoods at a dizzying pace. It’s nice, because even ten years ago it was a phenomenon classified as interesting. Today they are a great alternative to traditional gyms. Yes, they do not have the same equipment as fitness clubs, but nothing prevents them us doing a solid training. The advantage of outdoor gyms is that in most machines the weight of our body is a burden. Although they do not have adjustments, in many cases we can regulate the level of difficulty by changing the grip or adding additional resistance (e.g. by installing resistive rubbers). The outdoor gyms can be used by both young people and the elderly, which makes it a very egalitarian physical activity. Most outdoor gyms are public, so you can use them at will and completely free. And it's outdoors!
- availability
- variety of exercises
- the possibility of training the whole body
- very good for people who are trying to lose weight
- available in the open air
- limited possibility of training progression
- some machines can be poorly designed
Calisthenics, or from ancient Greek kallos sthenos means "beauty and strength." What is it about? It’s a form of training based on the use of your own body weight. You do not need any machines, barbells, weights and dumbbells. All you need is a simple chin-up bar and handrails for making dips. You can mount them in your own home or use the municipal ones. More and more often, you can see outdoor gyms equipped with all the accessories needed for calisthenics. The great advantage of calisthenics is that it’s based on simple and very effective exercises. Push-ups, torso-ups, pull-ups, squats, dips - these exercises will help you lose unnecessary weight and sculpt the perfect figure. Interestingly, although the only available load is the mass of our body, we can progress in a good way increasing the level of difficulty of exercise.
- it does not require a lot of equipment
- perfectly develops strength and sculpture
- it works great in fat burning
- outdoor gyms are becoming more and more popular
- you can progress quite easily
- limited opportunities for leg training

Resistance rubbers
You do not need to be convinced of the advantages of resistance rubbers. They overtook the fitness market by storm and many people, including those in the gym, cannot imagine training without them. What is their effectiveness? The magic lies in the variable load inflicted by the tensile rubber. This is a completely new stimulus for the muscles, so we guarantee that you will be sore after the first workout with resistance rubbers. Resistance rubbers are available in several different thicknesses, so you can choose them for your own strength and type of exercise. As it turns out, there are many of them. Thanks to the resistance rubbers, you will train the whole body, including legs. On the Internet you will find hundreds of training inspirations that will not let you get bored with training. The cost of buying one resistance rubber is about £10. Two or three are enough for a complete training session.
- a very large number of exercises
- low purchase cost
- the opportunity to take it on a trip
- you can train anywhere
- heavily used rubber can break.
Exercises with TRX system
What is the popular TRX? It's nothing more than belts with two handles that we can grab with our hands or lean our feet on them. According to marketers, they were created for American soldiers to enable them to conduct strength training in wartime conditions. Putting aside the marketing layer, we must admit - TRX can provide excellent training. As it turns out, in their case you also have a huge amount of exercises. These are different types of pull-ups, push-ups, push-ups, squats, etc., in a nutshell - everything you need to train each muscle part. An additional advantage, as in the case of resistance rubbers, is TRXs’ mobility. You can take them on vacation, or to the park.'
- perfect for deep muscle exercise
- improve coordination
- enable a smooth selection of the load (by means of a body deflection)
- they are light, so you can take them on a holiday or to the park
- easy to assemble (just find a pole or tree)
- you can train anywhere
- limited opportunities for leg training
- incorrect use of TRX may result in injury

Home gym
You do not need access to the fully equipped fitness club to achieve a perfect figure. Popular home gyms will do just that. All you need is: barbells, dumbbells, an adjustable bench and a pull-up bar. If you want, you can later equip your home gym with, for example, a leverage system, bench press or an atlas. Yes, it’s associated with an expense, but it’s a one-off expense. Compared to the price of memberships, you may find that you will get your money’s worth after the first year of exercise.
- you can train in your own home
- training with weights can give better results than training with rubbers or TRXs
- you can train your legs with no problem
- you are not dependent on a gym membership.
- the need to create space for equipment and training
- even basic equipment for a home gym is a big expense

Training without gym - summary
Here are suggestions that can replace your gym pass. If you get tired of commuting to the fitness club or have enough of waiting for a vacant piece equipment, consider one of these ideas. The more so, because you do not need a membership to use them. Which option suits you best?
Tags: exercises, exercising, gym, home training, train at home