Chromium not only for slimming – the role of chromium in the body

Chromium is a mineral element that accelerates fat burning and suppresses appetite, which is the main reason why chromium slimming pills are very popular. In addition, chromium watches over cholesterol level, soothes headaches, and make you less nervous - so make sure you don't run out of it. Check what other properties chromium has, what uses it has, what are the symptoms of chromium deficiency and excessive amount in diet and the best sources in food.

Chromium is one of the microelements (the so-called trace element), which is necessary for the proper functioning of the body. Although we only have about 6 mg of chromium in our body, the uniqueness of this trace element lies in the fact that it is involved in many metabolic processes. But the most important function of chromium is to stimulate the pancreas to produce insulin and participate in the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins.

Chromium and diabetes. Chromium lowers blood sugar

Chromium protects against type 2 diabetes and helps regulate blood glucose. When the body has enough chromium, it makes better use of insulin, and thanks to this, blood glucose levels in people not quite sensitive to insulin reach the right level.

In clinical trials in patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes, chromium supplementation resulted in a decrease in fasting glucose, an increase in glucose tolerance and a decrease in insulin level. people with diabetes should not take chromium without consulting their doctor. Chromium may affect the dose of insulin or other pharmacological agents used to treat this condition.

It is worth knowing that chromium is part of the Glucose Tolerance Factor (GFT), which is necessary for proper glucose metabolism and insulin action. In addition to chromium, this substance includes, among others niacin, glycine, glutamic acid and cysteine.

Most important food sources of chromium
Most important food sources of chromium

Chromium and slimming

One of the basic ways to accelerate weight loss is to increase the body's sensitivity to insulin, in which chromium may play a role. Chromium, by regulating blood sugar, suppresses the attacks of hunger, reduces appetite, sometimes eliminates the appetite for sweets. In addition, chromium accelerates fat burning.

How much weight can you lose using chrome? Many papers have been published in which attempts have been made to assess the effect of chromium supplementation on body weight and composition (fat and muscle ratio) in healthy people and people with diabetes. However, in most cases, the results were not stunning. That is why slimming pills with chromium may not always be effective.

Chromium regulates cholesterol

Chromium also stimulates the synthesis of fatty acids and is responsible for the transport of amino acids into the cells. It is part of many digestive enzymes. It can prevent atherosclerosis by affecting the balance between good (HDL) and bad (LDL) cholesterol.

Chromium - dosage. Recommended daily intake of chromium

  • from 1 to 3 years of age 0.02 - 0.08 mg/day
  • from 4 to 6 years of age 0.03 - 0.12 mg/day
  • from 7 years of age 0, 05 - 0.2 mg/day

In the event of impaired glucose tolerance, chromium doses of 0.4 to 0.6 mg/day are currently recommended.

Chromium can prevent osteoporosis in postmenopausal women

In one study, a 60-day treatment (chromium picolinate 0.2 mg/day) resulted in a decrease in serum insulin and glucose and a decrease in urinary calcium excretion. This indicates that chromium could be effective in preventing osteoporosis.

Chromium deficiency - symptoms

It is assumed that an adult needs 0.05-0.2 mg per day. More should be provided to people who play sports, work hard physically or are on a high sugar diet because they excrete more of this element in the urine. A varied diet covers the demand for chromium.

An excessive amount of chromium

Excessive chromium can disrupt insulin production and impair the absorption of iron and zinc. Chromium supplements are best taken under medical supervision. It should always be consulted in case of diabetes - the element can affect the dose of taking insulin and other drugs.

What increases and reduces the absorption of chromium?

Chromium is better used when it is delivered simultaneously with vitamin C (fruits, vegetables). However, the loss of chromium (with urine) is intensified by a diet rich in simple sugars (e.g. sucrose). Chromium absorption is also hindered by fats and phosphorus compounds (cola, powdered soups). Absorption of an element can also impair calcium. However, the benefits of calcium outweigh the losses from chromium deficiency, so you must not give up calcium-containing products.

Chromium - food sources

We can find the most chromium in yeast, coarse cereals, whole grain bread, lean meat, especially turkey and chicken meat, offal, fish and seafood. Green peas, broccoli, wheat germ and herbs are also good sources of chromium.

Tags: chrom, chromium

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