Preparation for weight loss – mental attitude is the basis

Making a change in the way of eating is not the easiest task, because it requires the transformation of habits that have been shaped for many years. In addition to the use of dietary recommendations and menus, it’s worth taking care of the appropriate mental attitude. You have to think about what really motivates us to change, realize that there will be better and worse moments, as well as learn to overcome your own weaknesses.

Mental attitude and weight loss effects

Talking about planning weight reduction, one should mention motivation. It’s nothing but a readiness that pushes us to act, makes us take effort and protects us from discouragement. It must be remembered, however, that it will not be constantly on the same level and should be fed accordingly.

There are two types of motivation: internal and external. We deal with the former when the desire to achieve something results from our needs related to the pleasure of their implementation and, for example, it concerns our hobby. The second one is associated with situations whose effects force us to a specific action. The beginning of a weight loss diet is usually accompanied by external motivations, including with the fact that we want to look better to those around us. Fortunately, there is a regularity that, with strong commitment, transforms external motivation into internal. When changing eating habits that lead to weight reduction, it’s more important to focus on the effects of your own health and well-being than the opinions of someone else. The sooner we realize that we are doing something for ourselves, the more we will gain from it.

Try to plan out your weight loss process at first, and clarify your goals.
Try to plan out your weight loss process at first, and clarify your goals.

How to prepare for weight loss

To make another attempt to reduce body weight not be a straw of enthusiasm, you should prepare yourself well. In addition to the nutritional plan and regular physical activity, the right approach will be useful. Here are the most important tips that will help you maintain your internal motivation at a sufficient level:

  • Do not start anything hastily - think if you have enough strength, motivation and readiness to take a weight loss process. Think about whether you can change your current nutrition and follow the new recommendations. Ask yourself why you want to lose weight and how important it’s to you;
  • Think about the goal you want to achieve - set a real goal with the exact date of its implementation, e.g. I will lose 5 kg to the day of my next birthday. Remember that a healthy weight loss predicts a loss of about 1 kilogram per week, so be patient and think about the right date for the end. Then think about how you will achieve your main goal and write down the indirect steps that will bring you closer to achieving it, and by doing so will give you strength and motivation to act;
  • Create a list of reasons why you want to lose weight - think about what you want to gain after losing it and write down your thoughts on a piece of paper. Think about how weight loss will affect your health, appearance, well-being, energy, self-confidence, prospects, development of interests, perception, friendships, family, work, etc. The list should be at your disposal at any time, and you should go through it at least once a day especially at weaker times;
  • Keep a nutritional diary - write down what, in what quantities, for what reason and at what time you eat and drink during the day. Do it every day for a minimum of two weeks. Also take into account the physical activity and feelings associated with weight loss. This will help you evaluate your diet, the level of motivation, catch nutritional mistakes and introduce gradual changes to them. In addition, start paying attention to what you buy in the grocery store, read labels and consciously choose products;
  • Reward yourself for your successes - create yourself a reward system and for each intermediate goal you reach, which brings you closer to the final success, treat yourself to a surprise. It can be a relaxing bath, a longer sleep, a visit to a beautician or hairdresser, massage, purchase of a trifle, a trip out of town, etc. It’s important that you enjoy it, motivate you and do not completely drain your bank account. Give up rewards in the form of food, avoid the habit of consolation or rewarding with food;
  • Be patient - it’s thought that 21 days will be needed for a given activity. In addition, body weight fluctuations are natural and depend on the time of day, meals consumed, drinks drunk, menstrual cycle, the length of diet used, etc. It often happens that after some time the weight starts to stand still. It’s completely natural, because the body tries to keep some supplies. Do not be discouraged by this and your patience will be rewarded.

Mental attitude and weight loss - summary

In summary, the process of weight reduction is not the simplest, but with proper preparation it becomes much easier. Proper motivation and action plan will help in building self-awareness, which result in weight loss will not only be weight loss, but change of existing life.

Tags: fat burn, reduce weight, weight, weight loss

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