Acidic yet healthy!

The first reports about rhubarb and its properties come from China before 2700 BC. However, there will be no mention of the history of this vegetable, where it came from or who discovered it. After all, its impact on health is more important and definitely more worthy of being emphasised.

    Benefits of rhubarb

    The longer rhubarb is known among the people, the greater the number of supporters it gains. The amateurs of this sour plant are not only attracted to its taste. It has a calorie content of fifteen for every hundred grams of the product. There is also a high content of vitamin C, and it contains some of all the elements important for the body, including

    • potassium
    • sodium
    • magnesium
    • iron
    • phosphorus

    Rhubarb - contraindications

    Unfortunately, due to the very high content of oxalic acids, it should be avoided by people with kidney stones and hypersensitivity of the digestive system. Apart from its taste, it does not have a high content of important macronutrients.

    Polyphenols in rhubarb

    However, it would be wrong to think that low nutritional values will contribute to the fact that there is hardly any point in eating rhubarb. Sceptics who do not believe in the health impact of rhubarb may be convinced by recent research. They indicate that this vegetable is rich in polyphenols. The good news for those who appreciate the taste of rhubarb in the dough may be that these compounds become most active when rhubarb is baked.

    It is then that polyphenols have the highest level of activity. Moreover, among the numerous substances contained in rhubarb, there are those that prevent the accumulation of negative cholesterol in the blood. Therefore, it is popular in the prevention of diseases of the circulatory system, such as congestion or atherosclerosis.


    As a curiosity and a warning at the same time, it should be noted that rhubarb leaves are poisonous, so their consumption should be avoided. With the stems there is no need to worry about that, you can enjoy eating your favourite rhubarb dough.

    There is nothing left to do but rush to the stall and stock up on healthy-looking stems without signs of mechanical spoilage!

    Tags: antioxidants, polyphenols, rhubarb

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