Acne is a skin disease that results from the malfunctioning of the sebaceous glands. The glands malfunction during hormonal changes in the body, which result in excessive sebum production. This is a very troublesome disease, no matter which part of the body it affects. In this article, we will introduce what contributes to its appearance and how to treat it.
Acne formation
Acne, as already mentioned, results from the incorrect work of seborrheic glands. But the origin of it lies even deeper. Acne is a disease that most often comes from the genes expression. Just as you can inherit the appearance and character traits, so can acne.
Genes can affect the production of hormones that cause excessive secretion of skin sebum. Therefore, if one of your parents had acne in their youth, it is very likely that you will also inherit this disease. Acne is most often manifested during puberty period, because then the level of male hormones - androgens, which are responsible for the overproduction of cutaneous sebum, increases intensively.
Impact of stress on the skin
In addition to poor care and diet, stress can also have an adverse effect on your skin. If it occurs sporadically and at a moderate level, then it will not affect you catastrophically. However, when stress harasses you regularly, your skin condition may get worse significantly. Stress badly affects the adrenal glands, which then produce more cortisol, which adversely affects hormonal balance. This makes the sebaceous glands produce more sebum. As a result, there is increased pore-clogging and the acne starts to appear.
In addition, stress adversely affects the immune system, which is why the body heals blemishes much more slowly. Remember to at least try to stress less. Thanks to this, acne will not appear on your skin in large quantities, and you will be much calmer. To stress less often, try for example to exercise and sleep long enough.
How to treat acne on your back?
Certainly, consultation with a dermatologist is very important when suffering from acne. A dermatologist will try to evaluate the reasons why does the acne appear actually, choose the best treatment method and prescribe the right medication. Oral tablets will work the fastest, but you should also discuss the side effects of taking such drugs with your physician.
In addition to the use of medicines, two aspects of hygiene and diet are very important. Acne on the back usually occurs when the tallow mixes with dead skin cells and clogs the pores, creating the perfect environment for bacterial growth. That is why it is so important to clean the skin daily and exfoliate it at least once a week (and maximum three times a week), which will help prevent clogging of pores.
In the beginning, change your cosmetics that contain SLS (Sodium Lauryl Sulfate) to more gently, natural ones. Natural clay, which you can add to the showering gel, will affect your skin very well. It is best that you do not use sponges, especially those that dry for a long time. Sponges are the largest bacterial habitat, which is why they can contribute to skin deterioration.
Use natural sponges or a back washer. Also, make sure that your hair shampoo does not irritate your back. When you wash conditioners and shampoos off, they run down your back and can expose it to irritation. Therefore, to eliminate acne on your back, replace shampoos and conditioners with more natural ones, or always wash your back thoroughly with natural soap after rinsing your hair.
As for the bath or shower itself - try not to use hot water. High temperatures can contribute to the greasiness of the skin, and also cause inflammation, and as a consequence of those, the acne on the back will develop. Always set the water temperature to a slightly warmer one. Use oils for body care after a bath. Tea tree oil, oregano oil, manuka oil or tamanu oil will do the trick - the tamanu oil must be used in combination with another one because it has a thick consistency.
Gentle exfoliation works well for acne on the back. Exfoliate the skin at least once a week with a natural sponge or back washer. Use a delicate peeling - it will be best to combine it with clay.
Diet impact on the acne

Another very important aspect that will help fight acne on your back is diet. Follow a healthy and balanced diet. Consume products that contain a high amount of antioxidants which fight free radicals that are responsible for a skin condition and ageing processes. Such products are for example fruits, vegetables and whole-grain products.
Some say that certain foods can negatively affect the skin. These include sweets, peanuts, fatty and spicy food, as well as oysters. This is not completely scientifically proven, but if you notice that a particular food is not serving you well, cross it out from your menu. Always remember, the healthier you eat, the cleaner your skin will be!