Apple cider vinegar – a magical way to lose weight?

Apple cider vinegar is one of the varieties of vinegar that you can prepare yourself. Natural medicine has long seen in it more than a food additive or preservative. According to the preliminary research, apple cider vinegar helps not only with weight loss, but also improves the appearance of hair and effectively deals with acne.

    Apple cider vinegar and extra pounds

    Slimming down with the help of apple cider vinegar is not exactly a good idea. Although it accelerates fat burning, it cannot replace a rational diet and physical activity. Even if you lose weight after a few days of use, this does not mean that you will lose fat. First of all apple cider vinegar helps to get rid of excess water, which is stored in the body. If we forget to provide the right amount of fluids, apple cider treatment will end up in dehydration.

    What makes apple cider vinegar so special? These unique properties are due to the pectins and vitamin E present in apples. The first of these compounds, besides improving digestion, strengthens blood vessels, lowers cholesterol, thus preventing the development of atherosclerosis and hypertension. The second, or vitamin E is one of the strongest antioxidants, which can, at least to some extent, mitigate and slow down the aging process of the skin. Some researchers attribute anti-cancer activity to Vitamin E.

    Apple cider vinegar for skin and hair

    A homemade tonic to the face effectively deals with acne lesions. It reduces sebum secretion, eliminates pimples and blackheads. Natural organic acids contained in cider smooth and significantly lighten scars. It is sometimes used for minor irritations or burns, even sunburns. It works antiseptically so it accelerates the healing of burns or eczema. It is also used by people with dandruff or other scalp disorders. It not only has a soothing effect but also reduces the feeling of itching. When applied directly on hair it gives it shine, smooths it and protects from excessive hair loss.

    Tags: apple, cider, viegar

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