Author: David

Macrobiotic diet

Macrobiotic diet

Macrobiotic diet is a way of nutrition that originates from Chinese philosophy. It adheres to the principle of two Jin and Yang forces that are in balance with each other. According to her principles, the diet is part of the philosophical and spiritual system. It is expected to provide health […]

Why should you stretch after training?

Why should you stretch after training?

Stretching is basically one of the most important elements of each workout. They are used primarily to compensate for injury and increase mobility. How should it stretch after running? What muscles should I focus on during stretching? How to properly stretch your leg muscles? You will find answers to the […]

Old-school training

Old-school training

Modern strength training looks quite different than a few decades ago. Do today’s methods and training techniques actually give the best results and results? Is it worth taking advantage of the achievements of gym legends and incorporate classic and proven moves into your plan? Check out 10 exercises according to […]

Krav Maga – a way of self-defense

Krav Maga – a way of self-defense

Krav Maga in Hebrew means fighting in a hand. It is currently one of the most popular defense systems. There are more and more schools that teach her. The motto of the system is the sentence of its founder that everyone can live in peace. Krav maga, or self-defense system […]

Mediterranean diet

Mediterranean diet

The Mediterranean diet is the least controversial of all diets, the most balanced and with the most supporters – among doctors, dieticians, as well as people who value a healthy lifestyle and train at the gym. What are its main assumptions? What effects can the Mediterranean diet bring? What is […]

How to get an ABS from your dreams?

How to get an ABS from your dreams?

Effective training on the abdomen does not consist in repeating one exercise. So how to reasonably plan abdominal muscle exercises? Learn the basics, which include concentric and eccentric movements, providing the greatest belly hypertrophy. Practicing, remember that the shortest distance between the chest and the pelvis plays the key role. […]

Why should you train legs?

Why should you train legs?

Legs are the foundation of the body – no wonder then that their training should be the duty of every practitioner. Leg training should focus primarily on squats, or multi-joint exercises. These are the basic movements that – when properly done – bring the same advantages. However, many exercisers at […]



Stretching is associated with the performance of lazy, even boring exercises. Is it right? Not necessarily. It also turns out that it should be an inseparable element of every training. Do you know why? How is stretching to build muscle mass? What stretching techniques to use? When to use these […]

CBD – therapeutic power of plants,

CBD – therapeutic power of plants,

For several years in society, the subject of medicinal properties of certain compounds contained in marijuana has not fallen. Marijuana itself has a twofold nature, because it can both harm and help. As it turns out, some of its components carry only pro-health properties. Despite the many controversies and turbulent […]

Apple detox

Apple detox

Does the popularity of the apple diet testify to its effectiveness and high level of safety? What is the role of apples in the process of slimming? Is the apple diet an effective plan to cleanse the body and reduce body fat? Find out the answer to these and more […]

Peanuts – evil incarnate ?

Peanuts – evil incarnate ?

There are many insinuations and myths around the peanuts – from the pro-inflammatory properties to the popular claims that peanuts are actually pods. So how is it with them?Why is it believed that we should give up peanuts?And the effect on reducing body fat?Sometimes elimination is necessary …Summary So how […]

“Dąbrowska” diet

“Dąbrowska” diet

The Dąbrowska diet is a type of low-calorie diet. Strictly describes it in duration or type of products recommended and prohibited. It is also a way of vegetable and fruit detox, which would really be good for each of us. Where did the Dabrowska diet come from? Is it safe? […]

Vitamin U – a new vitamin was found?

Vitamin U – a new vitamin was found?

The purifying and de-acidifying effect of cabbage is well-known. Can he have other healing properties? It turns out that yes. All this thanks to vitamin U, discovered in the mid-twentieth century. Its health properties are quite surprising. What benefits does it bring? Does drinking inconspicuous cabbage juice, a source of […]

Rice diet – principles

Rice diet – principles

The rice diet is included in the group of monocomponent cleansing diets. Its basic ingredient is brown rice. Applying a diet according to the recommendations is a great way to efficiently and quickly reduce body weight and purify the body of excess toxins. Despite its effectiveness, it is not recommended […]

Phytosterols for proper lipidogram

Phytosterols for proper lipidogram

Elevated blood cholesterol is not good. It contributes, for example, to myocardial infarction, atherosclerosis of blood vessels or coronary diseases. Phytosterols are an effective way to avoid these types of problems and to effectively lower cholesterol in the body. Their source is, among others vegetables, oils and nuts. How exactly […]

Triathlon – only for the manliest men?

Triathlon – only for the manliest men?

The man lives not alone in the gym. The more diverse the activity, the better for him. That is why swimming, cycling and running are also disciplines that can be practiced as well as every day. The combination of these three sports is created by the world-known powerlifting, or triathlon. […]

How to run properly

How to run properly

Running for many people seems to be a simple form of physical activity – all you need to do is run. However, the proper technique of running and breathing is a bit more complicated and is of great importance in the economy of effort. People starting an adventure with running […]

Morning gymnastic – why should you do it?

Morning gymnastic – why should you do it?

Morning gymnastics are light exercises performed in the morning, preferably immediately after waking up. They are simple to perform, short and bring satisfactory results. Popular stretching the body just after waking up is just one of those exercises that can put on your feet better than a morning coffee. Is […]

Should you use amino acids, when you are losing weight?

Should you use amino acids, when you are losing weight?

Amino acids constitute a very important part of the human diet. These are the proteins that are the basic building blocks of all our cells. Their adequate supply guarantees the proper functioning of all organs, hormones and systems. During reduction and reduction, pay special attention to their amount in the […]

Chest muscles – how to build them properly?

Chest muscles – how to build them properly?

Building chest muscles is a popular goal of training plan for those who are just starting their adventure with strength training. In some progression, muscle growth is impressive, and in others – some problems appear. Trouble with emphasizing the middle part of the chest is one of them. This one […]