Building of the back muscles
Back is the second largest muscle party in the human body. It consists of a number of different muscles responsible for the body's vital movement capabilities. In the back we distinguish the following muscles
- quadriceps muscle
- the widest dorsal muscle
- preheated muscle
- the oblong muscle and the oblong muscle are smaller
- parallelogram muscle
- shoulder levator muscle
- rear gear muscle
- dorsal rectus muscle
As you can see, the number of muscles in the back is very high, which is why their training requires a lot of volume and weight.

More frequent trainings
If our diet is well balanced, work allows for strenuous physical exercise, regeneration time is fairly short and we know the reactions of our own body - we can try back training up to 2 or 3 times a week. It has been known for a long time that a greater contribution of work brings more profits. More frequent workouts can be the key to success. However, let's remember about the multitasking of our back muscles, one training can be based on the downward movement of the arms (pull-up, pulling the upper lift rod to the chest), and the next one on horizontal pull (paddling with barbell, paddling with dumb-bell).
Back and chest during one workout? Yes!
If you decide to train your back twice a week, it is worth combining it with chest training and/or shoulder training. To maximize the intensity, improve mutual regeneration and reduce the time needed for training, it is worth using the superseries method. I will not describe it because each of you has already known and tested it. In short, we do the exercise one by one and then rest. In this case, the exercises will involve antagonistic muscles, that is, the opposite action.
When creating a plan, remember that the back is large and the chest is small. For this reason, the load applied during training should be adapted to your own abilities. Squeezing over the cage (we push the weight away from each other) combine with rowing (we draw the weight to ourselves). Pulling on the bar (pulling the arms down) combine with pressing the bar above the head (pushing the arms up), or when we do not turn on shoulder training, with the dumbbell pressing on the slanting bench up.
Three kings of back training
There are three basic exercises, known to everyone, at the same time being an indisputable basis in back training. Pulling on the bar, rowing with weightload and deadlift. These exercises should form the basis of any back muscle training because it is holistic and they harmoniously develop all muscles.
Although the deadlift itself does not require movement from our backs, as the driving force will be primarily the gluteal and sciatic muscles, the involvement of the entire back tape very well affects the back muscle hypertrophy. Remember that the pain of the extensor ridge when performing deadlift may indicate errors in the performance. It is worth reducing the weight used and refining the technique.
Advanced methods
In the back muscle training, you can use advanced training methods. They are all effective methods of back training designed for advanced training people with several years of experience. The use of the following methods requires extensive experience and body awareness. Thanks to them, stagnation and boredom will not creep into our musculature development process.
The following methods can be used for the most effective methods
- cluster series (as the last series of each exercise)
- weight regression (as the last series of each exercise)
- dropset, double drop or complete drop (we make a drop in each series of the exercise)
- 10 × 10 method
- 8 × 8 method
- method 5-10-15
- FST-7 system
- "21" series
- a method called RAMP
As you can see, the potential combinations are magnanimous, but let us leave them in case the classical methods do not bring the expected results.
Strength and hypertrophy - do not forget about them
Breaking the week into two workouts focused on strength and hypertrophy will be another great way to stimulate muscle growth. In one workout we do exercises with the greatest weights in the low ranges of repetitions and with longer intervals. On days of hypertrophy, we use lifts or lighter loads and high ranges of repetitions. Such a system will work great for those exercising, who are nervous system regenerates slowly.
Muscle building - the role of diet
We can not ignore the key role of proper nutrition. Additional stimuli in the form of greater volume and frequency increase energy expenditure and protein demand. Remember that even the hardest training will not bring positive results without proper diet ... worse, it can only harm us! Increasing the supply of calories according to the increased energy expenditure of training in this case will be the basis.
Back training is one of the most liked of all workouts. You can train for a long time, apply loads on which other parties can only dream and introduce interesting solutions. The variety and gradual adaptation of the muscular and nervous systems to increased loads is the key to success. So we can train hard and hard, and above all regularly. Over time, the effects will reward the hours spent on the exercises.