Having problems with building muscle mass, there comes a moment when it's necessary to go on reduction. However, many beginners start their adventure precisely from this type of activities that are aimed at lowering their weight, reducing the accumulation of fat that has been harvested within a few years of not doing anything to one another in the direction of sport. So when discussing the activities of people who are starting an adventure with sport from losing weight, their cardinal mistake is to stretch the reduction over time, i.e. not planning its period or stages. This makes the amount of workouts and their volume grow to enormous rank, taking the massive share of leisure time on a weekly scale.
When starting losing weight, what should we watch out for?
Use zero balance as the beginning of weight loss
In my opinion, this is a fairly frequent strategy that is simply wrong. If we are dealing with an individual who can boast of a large energy source, they do not see the point of implementing zero balance as the initial stage of reduction. The amount of calories at a neutral level is the amount of calories we need to live with physical effort. This means that with a calorie requirement of 3,000 kcal, the person performing strength training should deliver about 3300 kcal per day.
This strategy makes our body disinterested in fat stores within the body, because the caloric value agrees with what you spend on a daily basis. This means that the potential individual will neither lose nor gain weight. In addition, this person will be a little frustrated that despite the implementation of healthy eating and training, nothing happens.
Personally, I would recommend starting with a negative weight reduction cycle which mobilizes the body to start getting rid of body fat and start losing weight. The use of the zero balance will translate into a reduction in time, and we will no longer wait for the results.
No balanced macronutrients and poor diet selection
Another key element of weight loss, right after the energy balance, is the choice of diet macronutrients. This means that in order for the reduction to be optimal, it's necessary to distribute energy to each component of the diet. Choosing the right macro is not only important in the context of the success of the reduction, but also the protection of muscle tissue, which is exposed to energy use during the deficit.
Another element is choosing the right nutritional strategy. Typically, beginners are advised to switch to a balanced diet that is suitable for anyone who starts an adventure with a sport, of course, here comes a healthy person. Selecting too complex schemes without knowing your body may fail. Dukan’s diet, ketosis, "fatty", ultimate diet 2.0, carb back loading, TKD, these are more advanced schemes that are able to some extent to assess their impact on the body and make corrections.

Too high body fat
The amount of adipose tissue will also influence how long the reduction should be planned. People whose level of fatness is high should successfully plan to slim down in stages. Etapacity will allow you to shorten the duration of all weight loss and maintain the efficiency of the reduction itself. A different reduction strategy should be used by a people who want to lose 10kg, than those who aim to drop 30 or 40kg.
The division of reduction into stages is intended to protect the body against a "Metabolic breakdown", which in turn inhibits the metabolism of fat loss, which is related to the lack of effects, and consequently even to the re-storage of energy.
Having a good supply of fat in the body, divide the reductions so that you lose about 8-10kg each, interleaving weight loss cycles with high calorie cycles, which will protect your metabolism from slowing down and maintain your training progression.
No muscle mass - "skinny fat" figure
This is the last point that puts pressure on the trainee, that you still need to continue to reduce further, that there is no visible cut effect, and the muscles are not too noticeable, it's not very clear. Unfortunately, the lack of a visible six pack does not mean that the reduction is going bad and you have to continue to work to reduce the fat level. This effect also depends on the level of muscle tissue growth, which determines how the silhouette is presented. So if you are a slim person and you decide to go on reduction because your muscles are not visible, then it may just be a message that they are not expanded at the level that makes them visible.