Beta-alanine – an amino acid that increases efficiency

One of the best-known supplements on the market, which is used by both bodybuilders, people exercising on gyms and people practicing other sports activities. Beta-Alanine is a chemical compound from the group of amino acids. Its amino group is in the molecule with beta carbon. It is a precursor of carnosine, which is one of the elements of muscle tissue. Due to the fact that it is not enough in food products, supplementation is recommended for athletes.

The action of beta-alanine

For many people beta-alanine is associated only with the world of bodybuilding. Fortunately, knowledge about this amino acid has been significantly improved, which affects the use of it by all who want to look good. Anyone who wants to see the progress of their work on their own body certainly on beta-alanine should bet. So what does she do especially and who is she for? Certainly for all those who, while exercising, want to build muscle mass while reducing weight. Beta-alanine works well for increasing strength, building strength and improving performance. This amino acid stimulates the entire nervous system, significantly improves the quality of life, reduces fatigue, resistance and improves metabolism.The main task of beta-alanine is to increase the level of carnosine in muscles.

    Dosage of beta-alanine

    The dose of beta-alanine recommended for consumption in order to achieve the intended effects ranges from 3-7 grams per day. If we take it less, we will not notice the effects, if more we certainly will not improve our results even more. Another conversion rate is the use of 0.5-0.8 g of beta-alanine for every 10 kg of body weight. When to use it best? It is recommended to take the given amount in two portions, one before training, the other after training. As for non-training days, then the portion can be divided into three parts and accepted at any time of the day.,

    Studies confirming the efficacy of beta-alanine

    46 students who are physically active have been examined. They were divided into two groups, one was given beta-alanine in the amount of 6g for 3 weeks and 3.2g for the next 3 weeks, the second placebo. As it turned out? People using this supplement obtained a better ability to absorb oxygen by the body, increased work time at a given load until exhaustion of the body - TTE, the total work performed - TWD was extended. In addition, the group of athletes taking beta-alanine in relation to those taking placebo showed an increased share of lean body mass.

    So if the tests confirm the effectiveness of this amino acid, it is certainly worth it.Thanks to this, you can gain many benefits for your body. So what will improve her consumption?

    • It will delay fatigue during exercise
    • It will help keep muscle mass
    • It will increase the training volume
    • It will improve thinking
    • It will improve the effect of creatine

    One of the most effective amino acids, which certainly should not be lacking in the daily supplementation of people exercising.If you reduce weight and gain muscle mass of course with regular training, it is definitely with the help of beta-alanine.

    Tags: beta-alanine, beta-alanine dosage, how beta-alanine works

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