Brahmi will make your brain stop the process of destroying cells and start regeneration. Read my review below. One of the strongest, natural remedies.
Recently, I get a lot of messages from you asking what to use to improve memory and protect against diseases associated with this system. As you well know, there are many different herbs and ingredients that are designed to improve your memory and concentration. I decided to review the herb called Bacopa monieri, also called Brahmi, in this article.
Recently, this herb is becoming more and more popular, it’s mainly valued for its high effectiveness. A lot of people wrote to me about this herb, you mainly praised its excellent properties. I listened to so many superlatives that I decided to try Brahmi myself, as well as look for scientific research.
What is Brahmi?
It’s a plant that is popular mainly in India. In these regions, they serve not only to protect the nervous system, but also to support treatment. And all this because Brahmi enters a group of healing herbs! First of all, they are responsible for proper blood supply to the brain, thanks to which cells responsible for memory function more efficiently. Brahmi has the largest amount of ingredients that have a positive effect on the brain, namely: Steroid Saponins, Alkaloids, Flavonoids, Glycosides and Phytosterols.

How does Brahmi herb work?
Research on these herbs has shown that they act as a peuroprotective, that is, increase the number of cells and nerve connections in the brain. As a result, choline relays are stimulated, which increase the blood supply to the brain. Thanks to this, nerve connections occur faster, and we enjoy better concentration, longer memory, and improve cognitive processes and associations.

The above properties are among the main and in them the herbal preparation works best. However, Brahmi herbs have several other benefits for our health. First of all, they accelerate wound healing, have anti-inflammatory properties, disinfect, eliminate acne and eliminate cellulite and scarring. These herbs have also found their application in cosmetics, and applied directly to the skin it acts as a moisturiser. The last advantage of Brahmi herbs is limiting the growth of Helicobacter pylori bacteria. This bacterium belongs to one of the most dangerous, because its excess causes the development of stomach ulcers and even duodenum!
What did the research on patients show?
One of the largest studies on Brahmi herbs took place at Khon Kaen University in 2002. It was made by a group of scientists in the field of medicine and psychiatry. The main goal of this study was to understand the effect of herbs on brain activity and memory abilities. Cholinergic, monoaminergic methods were determined as a way of measuring the effects, as well as cognitive processes and the ability to memorize information.
The study was conducted on sixty patients with an average age of 62 years (37 women, 23 men). Each patient was given a Brahmi herb extract at a dose of 200 or 600 mg for 12 weeks. After this time, the first tests were performed and the results were compared with those of patients who did not take anything. At first, the functions of the cholinergic and monoaminergic system were examined using the method called AChE and MAO. Patients were then tested for memorizing numbers, speed of answering questions, and cognitive abilities with photos. Patients who took Brahmi herbs every day for 12 weeks showed better brain efficiency in each of the above-mentioned tests by an average of 23%! This is really a lot.
Who should use Brahmi herbs?
Above all, people who:
- have poor memory.
- often forget
- have problems with concentration.
- want to protect themselves against future diseases such as Alzheimer's.
- everyone who works mentally and students.
Brahmi - contradictions
Some of the contraindications using Brahmi herbs are pregnancy, breastfeeding, hypertension and taking sleeping pills.