Bruises after falls, injections and after blood tests – how to treat them?

Bruises happen to everyone, but most often they are petechiae after injuries or minor bruises. In women and older people, the vessels are more fragile and have a greater tendency to damage. Hematomas under the skin also appear after falls, after injections or after taking blood tests. How to accelerate their healing?

    What are bruises?

    Bruises (subcutaneous hematomas) are minor bleeding from damaged subcutaneous blood vessels. Everyone knows them since childhood. They usually arise as a result of minor injuries and during physical activities. They also have several obvious reasons, such as falls or punctures. In some people, increased fragility of the vessels and a greater predisposition to bruising (even with minor injuries) is due to genetic predisposition.

    Tissue damage after a fall causes a painful bruise. Healing of bruises usually takes about 1-2 weeks. At this time, it does not require treatment, but it can effectively hinder normal daily functioning. To reduce pain and accelerate tissue regeneration, it is worth reaching for home remedies.

    Extensive bruises after stomach injections are a problem mainly for diabetics who have to take insulin regularly. They are difficult to avoid, but there are several ways to reduce their likelihood. So how do you avoid bruising after regular stomach injections?

    How to deal with bruises at home

    It is worth to cool the injection site before and after injections. This can be done using ice cubes wrapped in fabric, cold compresses or a chilled hot water bottle. Cold causes contraction of small blood vessels, which reduces the risk of their damage during puncture. If, despite everything, bruises appear, remember about home remedies to deal with this problem and the use of bruises ointments available in the pharmacy without a prescription.

    Why do we get bruises

    Blood sampling at the elbow flexion or on the back of the hand is one of the basic diagnostic tests. Almost all of us do blood tests at least every few years, and many people - even more often. The cause of bruising after taking blood is most often an inefficient puncture into the vein, which results in its damage. Subcutaneous haemorrhages are more common when a person has fragile vessels. This often happens in the elderly.

    Another important reason for the appearance of painful bruises is blood extravasation due to too short or improper pressure at the puncture site. Then the blood spills from the damaged vessels into the nearby subcutaneous tissue, which is visible in the form of a large bruise. It is accompanied by pain, slight numbness and a feeling of pulling.

    Although bruises usually absorb spontaneously after a few days, painful changes on the palm or bending of the elbow cause significant discomfort and make everyday activities more difficult. To accelerate their healing, it is worth reaching for home remedies for bruising or lubricating lesions with herbal arnica and calendula ointments.


    Although bruises and bruises are a fairly common problem that does not pose a health risk, they can effectively hinder normal functioning. At home, you can speed up healing. And it is worth using them to facilitate tissue regeneration. However, if bruises appear for no apparent reason, are accompanied by severe pain and swelling, it is worth going to a specialist. These may be signs of a serious illness.

    Tags: bruises, hematomas, injections

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