We have met with the concept of caloric balance more than once. Is everyone, however, aware of how it is calculated and why? There are several ways to calculate it. Is it important in strength training? What role does he play for the practitioner? What is the relationship between caloric balance and training at the gym? Check more in the article.
Caloric balance
The caloric balance is one of the most important concepts for people who are:
- reducing body fat,
- building strength,
- increasing muscle mass.
Why? Because by consuming food, the body provides the necessary calories, or energy. And this is how a certain calorific balance is obtained in this way. This concept is related to caloric demand. The individual caloric demand depends on, among others from body weight, metabolism, physical and mental exertion.
On the basis of an individual calorific demand, it is possible to calculate the calorific balance. Negative balance will be when you provide fewer calories than the body needs for all physiological processes, ie work, training, sleeping or breathing. A positive caloric balance is obtained when the body is supplied with more calories than it needs to function.

How to calculate the caloric balance?
How can you determine the caloric demand, and how to calculate the caloric balance? You can do it using the appropriate calculators available on the internet. Usually, you should give your weight, height, age and training goal - based on these data the calculator indicates the answer. It may happen that the same data will give a different result in different calculators. For this reason, it is good to calculate the caloric balance yourself. How to do it? We present two ways that allow the practitioner to logically calculate caloric demand and caloric balance.
The first one is very simple and it can be calculated in a minute. We need to think over the second one. It requires more details about the body and the routine of everyday life. Thanks to this, it is also much more accurate.
The first pattern is successfully used by many people and is sufficient to properly determine the caloric balance.
Formula for calorific balance - way I
- Multiply your weight x 24
- The result of the above is multiplied by the so-calledthe ratio of daily activity, which is as follows
1.4 - 1.5 - we are very active daily exercises plus physical work;
1.3 - 1.4 - physical work and about 3 trainings a week;
1.1 - 1.2 - exercises 3 times a week plus sitting work;
1 - no exercises, no sitting work.
In this way, we get daily caloric demand.
- Now it's time for caloric balance
if it is to be negative, subtract from the obtained result at the beginning the amount of the order of 200-400 kcal;
if this is to be positive - it is best to add 200-300kcal to the demand result.
It must be remembered that these are contractual values that depend on the individual characteristics of a particular organism and its metabolism.
Caloric balance formula - method II
In this case, more detailed information is needed to calculate the caloric balance. This is a method consisting of several stages.
- BMR (caloric demand) is calculated from the formula
(9.99 X weight (kg)) + (6.25 X height (cm)) - (4.92 X century) + 5
(9.99 X weight (kg)) + (6.25 X height (cm)) - (4.92 X century) - 161
- TEA - calories burned due to physical activity
Strength training = 7 - 9 kcal per minute depending on the intensity.
Assuming that we train 60 minutes very intensively, it gives it
9 kcal x 60 minutes = 630 kcal
Now, you should also add EPOC, or calories burned after exercise. Calculate 4-7% of BMR.
- Divide the result from point 2 by 7 (number of days of the week).
- We add the results from points 1 and 3.
- If we do cardio training, add 5 to 10 kcal per minute of activity to the result, depending on the intensity of the workout.For example, by doing 45 minutes of cardio on a bicycle with a fairly high intensity, we multiply 45 x 7 = 315. Then we add to this result an additional pool taking into account what below
Light intensity of cardio - an additional 5 kcal
Average cardio intensity - an additional 35 kcal
High intensity of cardio - an additional 180 kcal
In our example, it will be 35 kcal or 315 +35 kcal.
- We add the so-called NEAT, or calories that we burn during standard activities performed during the day.Here you should know, among otherswhat somatotype we have, whether we are an ecto, an endo or a mesomorphic.Add the number of calories according to the guidelines
200-400 kcal - endomorphic
700-900 kcal - ektomorphic
400-500 kcal - mezomorph
- Add to the result of the so-calledTEF, or the thermal effect of food.This is around 6% to 10% of our full score which we have received so far.
- Almost ready - we already have our caloric demand.Now, just like after the first way, we add or subtract a certain number of calories depending on whether we want a reduction or mass.
The size - negative or positive - of the caloric balance will depend to a large extent on how quickly you want to gain mass or reduce weight.
Caloric balance on the reduction at which we do not want to lose a lot of muscle tissue at the same time and more do so. the sculpture should be selected based on low compartments - at the beginning of 200-300 kcal.
Gradually, the next calories are subtracted, e.g. every 10-20 days by 100-150kcal.
The construction of muscle mass is very similar. If we want to gain weight and at the same time minimize fat gain, it is best to initially increase the balance by 200-300kcal.
Balance caloric for strength? Of course you need to take care of him. If we want to gain a lot of strength, we should also take care of a positive calorific balance. Usually, on the negative caloric balance, we are not able to improve our strength results.
Calculations have been made for
- 22 year old man,
- about ectomorphic structure,
- weighing 75 kg,
- with a height of 180 cm,
- performing 3 strength trainings a week (without cardio and intervals).
Basic metabolism (BMR)
BMR = (9.99 x 75 (kg)) + (6.25 x 180 (cm)) - (4.92 x 22 (Lat)) +5 = 1771
Calories burned during physical activity (TEA)
Strength training - 3 x 60 min x 9 + EPOC (3 x 7% from 1771 = 371)) = 1991 kcal
The result from point 2 is divided by 7 (days of the week) = 603
We sum up the results from points 1 and 3
(BMR) 1771 kcal + (TEA) 603 kcal = 2374 kcal
We add NEAT
2374 kcal + 900 kcal = 3274 kcal
We add the thermal effect of food (TEF)
3274 + TEF (10% of 3274 = 327) = 3274 + 327 = 3601 kcal
The calorific balance for this man is therefore 3601 kcal. In order to
mass building - should increase caloric to 3700-3800 kcal;
reduction - it would be good if it reduced calories to 3500-3400.
Caloric balance and gym training
The caloric balance and training in the gym connects the relationship, without which no training goal will be achieved - every trainee must realize this. Doing heavy weight training, we should provide the right caloric charge for the body.
This will improve the recovery of muscle tissue after training and regeneration of the body. Regardless of the purpose of the training, it is best to choose a low excess / or calorie deficit at the beginning of determining your balance.