Chest training – the “party set”!

Chest muscles is a muscle party that is well developed and is the training priority of most men. No wonder - it is an element of a slim and well-built figure. For women, chest training is also essential - it allows firm and slim the body. So how should effective chest training look like? What are its principles? What should we pay attention to?

    Chest muscle anatomy  

    Chest muscle anatomy - this is the first thing we should focus on. Exercises on the cage involve mainly the larger pectoral muscles - these cover the greater part of the front ribs from the sternum to the end of the clavicle.

    • The initial insertion starts on the collarbone, from the middle to the sternum.
    • Another part of the tendons attach to the anterior part of the sternum and cartilage of the ribs I-VI.
    • The third part of the trailer does not appear in everyone. It is the anterior lobe of the straight abdominal muscle sheath.

    The common end insertion is located on the crest of the larger humerus bump.

    Chest muscles anatomy
    Chest muscles anatomy

    How to train your chest correctly?  

    To properly train your chest, focus on a few important things. The diet, supplementation and regeneration is obvious - without them, no plan on the cage will give a satisfactory result. What else should you pay attention to?

    Rules of chest training  

    Chest training has its own rules. What do you need to focus on during the exercise? What are the rules for chest training?  

    Work to the fullest extent possible - if the mobility and mobility of the practitioner allows it, the exercise should be performed in the full range of movement.

    • Multi-joint exercises should form the basis for chest training
    • Isolated exercises can be an addition and diversification of training.

    All kinds of squeezing and springs on the cage - both on banners, dumbbells and machines - should be done while keeping the blades tucked back and down, as well as stiffened wrists. It is the technical elements that ensure adequate stability of the shoulder joint, ensuring the involvement of breast muscles in every movement.

    Chest training - weight, repetition and technique

    Weight, repetition and technique - this is what determines the effectiveness of chest training.

    Weight - in the context of muscle mass expansion should use 60-80% of the maximum weight (CM) in a given exercise. If you want to build strength you can reach up to 90-95% CM.

    Repetitions - building muscle mass the desired range of repetitions is 5-15 repetitions. Depending on the type of exercise, overall volume and training frequency, a range of repetitions can be selected.

    Technique - when performing any chest exercises, the technical basis is to maintain the correct blade position. Therefore, during lying exercises:

    • legs should be placed stably on the ground to ensure balance, back lying flat on the bench, maintaining the natural curvature of the spine, or performing a gentle deepening in the lumbar region, i. bridge;
    • during excercises, the elbow should be run under the wrist, ensuring optimal chest performance (without overloading triceps and shoulders);
    • the elbows should always be below the shoulder line. About the height of the chest, to unnecessarily burden your shoulders with large and unnatural work. In addition, this setting makes it very easy to maintain the correct position of the blades.

    How many times a week should you train your chest?

    From the theoretical point of view, for optimal muscle mass and strength building, it will be best to do 1-2 workouts per week on the chest. However, depending on

    • experiences,
    • purpose,
    • personal preferences,

    You can manipulate the volume, intensity and frequency of training. The same applies to the amount of complex and isolated exercises on the chest.

    The best exercises for the chest  

    What will be the best chest exercises in effective training?

    Pressing a bar lying on a horizontal bench - king among exercises on the chest. It is the basis for the construction and strength of the shoulder girdle.

    Pressing the bar lying on the slant-top bench - variation of the bench press, which stimulates the upper chest to work. It is worth noting that the inclination angle of the bench should not exceed 45 degrees, because above this angle greater work will be done on the shoulder muscles.

    Pressing the dumbbell lying - just like on the banner can be done lying on a horizontal bench and head up.

    Push-ups on handrails - this is a calisthenic exercise that is best suited for strength training and chest extensions.

    Push-ups - an exercise with a body weight, which largely involves a larger pectoralis muscle.

    Isolations for the chest training

    Exercises on machines and lifts - a large number of gyms has various types of machines that isolate the work of the chest. A good example is the butterfly span.

    Effective chest training  

    Chest training

    1. Bench-press the barbell lying on a horizontal bench 5 sets 5-10 repetitions 120s of rest

    2. Bench press on the bench head up 3 sets 10-12 repetitions 60-90s of rest

    Bench press is a staple exercise in chest training.
    Bench press is a staple exercise in chest training.

    3. Pumps on handrails 5 sets 5-10 repetitions 120s of rest

    Three exercises constructed in this way may allow to obtain a proper training effect. Of course, everything depends on the individual characteristics of the body of each practitioner - on some they will work, and on others - not necessarily.


    Tags: chest, training, workout

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