Cistus – a herb is known to natural medicine for centuries

Cistus - a herb known to natural medicine for centuries - is now gaining more and more popularity. Scientists see this plant’s amazing potential. Why? The Cistus contains many valuable substances that are used in the prevention of diseases. It is a plant known for its strong properties strengthening the body’s immunity. What is Cistus? What are its properties? How to use the Cistus to use the full properties? Let’s take a closer look at this unusual plant.

    What is Cistus?

    Cistus is a small shrub growing wild in dry and warm areas along the shores of the Mediterranean. At the time of flowering, it is covered with small pink flowers with a pleasant aroma. There are more than 50 species of Cistus, but the most popular is the Cistus incanus, which is attributed to the most beneficial properties.

    Benefits of Cistus

    Cistus herb is a rich source of polyphenols - natural antioxidants, whose main role in the body is to neutralize the action of free radicals. The active ingredients of Cistus protect the body against cell destruction, delay their ageing processes, protect cells against mutations, and the valuable antioxidants contained in the purse herb increase immunity. They strengthen the body’s natural strength during periods of weakness and stimulate the immune system. In addition, polyphenols inhibit the release of histamine and the development of inflammation in our body.

    The Cistus herb can be found mainly in herbal stores, those with healthy food and in pharmacies. Choose herbs in the form of cut leaves, because it is the leaves of this plant that contain the most active substances. Stems that have no properties and additionally impair the taste of tea are often added to the ground Cistus. It is also worth choosing Cistus herb from organic farming (it should be signed with bio sign on the label). We are sure then that we are consuming high quality, non-contaminated product.

    Cistus tea

    We prepare the Cistus like other herbal teas. Pour boiling water and brew it for about 10 minutes. To improve the taste, we can add a teaspoon of honey, a slice of lemon, raspberry juice, xylitol, or brew it with other herbs, e.g. linden or mint.

    Cistus tea should be drunk every day. The first effects of using the Cistus can be seen after about a month of regular drinking. An infusion taken just from time to time will not bring the desired results.

    Infusion made of cistus
    Infusion made of cistus


    Cistus tea supplements our diet with valuable ingredients that have a beneficial effect on health. The Cistus herb still hides many secrets. Scientists do not stop at researching this plant, so soon we can probably expect new reports about its benefits and new possibilities of use.

    Tags: cistus, cistus incanus, natural medicine

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