Coffee massage

There are many different treatments based on coffee, its whole, ground beans as well as already brewed grounds, which do not need to be thrown away. Before starting to experiment with coffee, it is worth answering the question of what we expect, to find the right method of application and then successfully use it.

    Coffee in cosmetics

    Coffee massages can be applied personally in your own home. You can start with plain ground coffee mixed with olive or moisturizing cream. The recipe prepared in this way is a great alternative to peeling purchased in a drugstore. In order to prepare a suitable mixture for use, no more than three teaspoons of coffee are needed, it can be brewed beforehand so nothing is wasted.

    Remember that coffee as a drink has many benefits!
    Remember that coffee as a drink has many benefits!

    If you don't have any oil or moisturising cream, don't worry about your favourite body lotion. Use the balm in the desired proportion to best suit your preferences. The resulting coffee peeling can be supplemented with aromatic oils, which will make the experience even more intense.

    When the cleansing product is ready, it can be boldly rubbed into the cleansing areas such as legs, hips or buttocks. Apart from the fact that it has to purify properties, it also indicates an anti-cellulite effect. In the case of such an application option, it should be rubbed in for about thirty minutes. After the massage, apply anti-cellulite cream.

    It can be used two to three times a week. It is also possible to apply this aromatic peeling by wrapping it in stretch foil, dress lightly and warm under the blanket. We give it about 40 minutes with the possibility to extend it to an hour.

    If you decide to have a massage with coffee outside your home, it is worthwhile to search the internet for individual offers, and there are a lot of them. They differ both in price and the composition of the proposed coffee blend and the consistency of the beans it consists of. There is also a wide range of possibilities to choose additives such as herbs or oils, strengthening and aromatic.

    It is also important to decide what effect we want to achieve. If we focus on purification the best choice is green coffee beans, it also has anti-cellulite properties. Thanks to the caffeine contained in the coffee, the lymph flow is improved and thanks to this the fat is more efficiently decomposed.

    Coffee peeling in the shower

    Mix two tablespoons of freshly ground coffee with a spoonful of salt. Add an odourless shower gel and gently massage the whole body.

    Grease peeling with coffee

    Pour 4 teaspoons of ground coffee with boiling water, drain after a few minutes and mix the grounds with olive and 2 teaspoons of thick cream. Such peeling not only cleanses but also gently lubricates, moisturizes and stimulates circulation.

    Coffee mask

    If you mix the grouts with your favourite cream, you will get a perfect mask for tired skin. After 20 minutes, remove it with a cotton pad moistened with water.


    The fact that coffee is a valued and well-fulfilled cosmetic product is probably known to anyone who has taken up the challenge and used its cosmetic power at least once. The range of action is really wide, from improving skin condition to reducing cellulite. It also neutralizes free radicals that threaten us. There's nothing left to do but take up the challenge and check out some massage recipes with coffee.

    Tags: coffee, coffee in cosmetics, skin disorders

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