Coffee on a diet – how to prepare it to get the most benefits out of it?

We usually reach for coffee when we lack energy and are feeling sleepy. Some people drink it out of habit, others just like the taste of it. Drinking this aromatic beverage can be really beneficial for people caring for their slim figure. The caffeine contained in coffee is an ingredient of many supplements that help lose weight.

Coffee and metabolism. Coffee is bad for you, or coffee is good for you?

Caffeine supports metabolism and increases the amount of gastric juices produced. Used in larger amounts, it can have thermogenic effects. Coffee also limits the appetite, but only for a short period of time. It’s true that caffeine contained in supplements has a better effects than coffee, but drinking the popular black beverage can bring some good results. On the other hand, it’s important to remember not to exceed the safe dose of caffeine. You shouldn’t consume more than 300mg of it per day. In case you’re taking supplements containing caffeine, you should limit or completely give up drinking coffee, especially when having problems with high pressure. It’s worth noting, that drinking coffee in reasonable amounts is not harmful for our health. The negative opinion has been spread around for centuries, but the recent studies show that there are no reasons to completely give up coffee. The healthiest is ground coffee, so it would be good to replace instant coffee with it.

Types of coffee. We definitely recommend espresso and americano, and discourage coffee with high amount of additives - so Frappe and Frappucino out!


Dietetic coffee

Does drinking coffee have positive effects on weight loss? Unfortunately, the answer to this question is: no. If we want this beverage to help us keep a slim figure, and not cause us to gain weight, it’s remember to remember a few important rules.

    Firstly, coffee should be bitter. Sugar cane has almost as much calories as white sugar, which is why it doesn’t matter which one you use. Some people replace sugar with sweetener. It’s only a good solution when we reach for the natural sweeteners, for example stevia. Artificial sweeteners contain ingredients that have a questionable effect on our health.

    Secondly, never add cream to your coffee. That includes both liquid and powdered creams. They contain a lot of calories and fats, especially trans fats that can be harmful for our health. However, that doesn’t mean that we are condemned to drinking black coffee. You can, for example, add milk to it. It’s best to pick ones containing 1,5% or 2% of fat. It contains vitamins A, D and E, as well as minerals such as calcium and phosphorus. 0% milk, as well as other fat-free products, aren’t good for our body.

    Thirdly, be cautious when you’re at a café. In places such as this, even people who usually don’t drink it, often decide to get a cup of coffee. Viennese coffee, Irish coffee, coffee with vanilla ice cream… eveTn when reading these it’s hard to restrain yourself from ordering it. Unfortunately, coffee offered at restaurants and cafés are usually caloric bombs. Before deciding to drink any of them, read the ingredient list.

    How to improve the taste of coffee

    Some people enrich their coffee with caloric additions, for example special syrups or chocolate. That’s usually done by people who don’t really like coffee, but want to drink it for the extra energy. There are a few products that can make the coffee taste better, but will not become the source of unnecessary calories. That includes cinnamon and cocoa. The worst are syrups that are caloric and include chemical ingredients.

    The biggest duel - Coffee vs tea. Coffee versus tea.

    Coffee vs tea - coffee versus tea. Is coffee better than tea? We have answer for that!

    Is Coffee better than tea? Or is tea better than coffee? There is only one answer... why not both?

    If you don't have any cardiovascular-related diseases (hypertension, for example), you can always drink coffee (more, or less, but still you can). Tea is always good. It doesn't contain much caffeine (approximately 11mg/100ml vs 80mg of caffeine per 100 ml of coffee), and it contains theanine, which combines perfectly with caffeine. Tea also contains a lot of antioxidants... but coffee have some of them too! Mainly we mean chlorogenic acid. In the same time, it doesn't stimulate so much, so it is better to drink coffee at the morning (if you can and want certainly), than tea.

    But in short word - in duel between coffee and tea there is no winner. Both of them are great!

    To summarize

    Coffee can somehow help with the fight against spare kilograms, although it’s not a miraculous weight loss product. Caffeine consumed in reasonable amounts is not harmful for our health, but not prepared properly can add a lot of empty calories. It’s therefore important to properly prepare the coffee and not give into the temptations while at a café.

    Tags: caffeine, coffe and diet, coffee, diet, health, is coffee healthy

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