Connection between food and sex

 Since the old days, guys have been hunting for a natural aphrodisiac that, when ingested, would transform them into sexual dynamos. Most of what they've tried has been harmless, but unpalatable, to say the least. In China, you might be prescribed a meal of sea slugs, whose reputation for imparting potency comes from their tendency to swell when touched. Sex psychologists tell us that any food - no matter how outlandish or to which or to which orifice it's applied - can have a placebo effect. It can boost your drive if you believe it will. But try this strategy (it's easier on your taste buds): Develop a palate for vitamins, minerals and herbs that grease your sexual machinery.

    Sex Mineral

    Vitamins and minerals help. But zinc does the heavy lifting. It's linked to your fertility, potency, sex drive and long-term sexual health. The mineral is critical to sperm production, and low zinc stores have been blamed for decreases in semen volume and testosterone levels. Each ejaculation can expend up to 5 milligrams of zinc, or one-third of your daily allowance. Try this foods to increase your zinc; lean beef, oyster, turkey, cereals and beans are other good sources.

    Want to improve your libido? Stick with us!
    Want to improve your libido? Stick with us!

    Celery Seduction

    Forget about all those pheromones sprays that are supposed to attract women. Researchers looking for a real turn-on tonic have focused on the potent male hormone androsterone, which is also found in celery. They believe androsterone is released through perspiration after eating. Your partner may not actually smell it on you, but because androsterone is thought to attract females, don't be surprised if she snuggles up real close. Even if you don't get lucky, keep in mind that you're eating a low-calorie, fibre-rich food that helps clean your teeth and freshen your breath.


    An ailing prostate can reduce your ability to have erections, putting a severe damper on your sex life. Prostatitis, a deep, sometimes painful and debilitating inflammation of the gland, can be eased by foods such as nuts, seeds and whole grains - especially rye products. They contain plant hormones, oils and other agents that decrease swelling, congestion and inflammation of the prostate.


    Your morning cup of coffee might be doing more than perking you up. It might be turning you on. Men and women who have at least one cup a day are nearly twice as likely to describe themselves as sexually active.


    If you're short on desire and have paltry ejaculations and a piddling sperm count, low serotonin levels may be the problem. Your brain produces this essential sex chemical when you eat carbohydrates combined with foods containing the amino acid tryptophan, which is found in a variety of meat and dairy products.
    Stress depletes your serotonin supply, and that may be why tryptophan, a sleep inducer, is part of the equation. When you eat your body to replenish the serotonin and boost your desire. Try fish, poultry or lean beef with bread or pasta.


    Your muscles need calcium to spasm and contract, and that includes the ones that control your orgasm. Dairy products, fish and green vegetables are all high in calcium.


    Cholesterol-lowering foods, such as dried beans, oatmeal, oat bran and any fruit with a peel, only improve your hydraulics. Cholesterol can clog your arteries, after all, including the ones that allow your penis to stand tall. So it's smart to avoid cholesterol-raisers, such as fried foods, butter and red meat.


    Tags: libido, sex drive, tribulus

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