Regular acceptance of the Ashwagandha supplement favors those prone to stress, improving their quality of life and functioning in society! This is information that is particularly conducive to people living in very difficult conditions. 64 people in good health participated in the study, ignoring the high level of stress in […]
Dietary supplements
Bone fractures – vitamin help
We’re at risk of breaking practically any bone. However, some areas of our skeletal system are more likely to break. For example, during a fall on slippery ground a typical break occurs in the wrist area. The bones start healing in this area after 4 weeks. However, the femoral neck, […]
Supplements for nursing mothers
Pregnancy and childbirth considerably weaken the woman’s body, which can manifest itself in deficiencies. In addition, the milk of the nursing mother lacks the appropriate amount of nutrients if the mother lacks them in her body. This can not be underestimated, because the composition of food greatly affects the growth […]
Rhodiola Rosea extract
Rhodiola mountain rose herb is an herb of the Crassulaceae family that has traditional anti-fatigue and adaptogenic properties. Rhodiola is probably the second most popular adaptogen (after the Panax ginseng). With regard to fatigue, Rhodiola has the ability to significantly reduce the effects of long and short-term and physical exhaustion, […]
Vilcacora (Cats Claw) strengthens immunity, fights viruses and fungi, promotes cancer treatment
Vilcacora is commonly known in traditional Peruvian medicine. Heals from digestive ailments, arthritis, wounds, and even cancer. Today, it’s one of the most popular herbs sold in the USA. Vilcacory research Vilcacory’s research began in 1970 and has so far been carried out by scientists from Peru, Germany, Austria and […]
What products acidify the body?
Acid-alkaline balance is the maintenance of appropriate proportions in our body. Some products acidify the body, and those with basic properties lead to a safe balance. The superiority of one or the other is an unnatural condition for the body, so it’s important to keep in mind the balance and […]
Goji berries – a way to longevity?
Berries of life, fruit of longevity. Goji berries are a vine fruit. Are they actually conducive to a healthy and long life? Known for thousands of years The Mongolians and Tibetans have had goji bushes for more than 5,000 years. A strong red color, pleasant taste and incredible nutritional value […]
PQQ helps regulate the circadian rhythm!
A large amount of stress in life and the progress of technology, and in particular the ability to use light at any time of the day often results in disturbances of the circadian rhythm. This is manifested by problems with falling asleep, inability to achieve satisfaction from sleep, lack of […]
Black pepper extract: 99% piperine
Piperine, which is ingested with curcumin (turmeric extract), protects the liver. Black pepper extract also raises other levels of dietary supplements in the body. Certain interactions are preferred, for example by EGCG or resveratrol. Piperine – Health Benefits Stimulate the digestive enzyme Increased absorption of other supplements such as curcumin, […]
Acetyl-l-carnitine (ALCAR)
Acetyl L-carnitine, also known as Alcar, is a well-studied nutrient. It’s synthesized to provide a more bioavailable form of L-Carnitine, which is a lysine amino acid derivative. L-carnitine is a naturally occurring compound in the body: in the liver and kidneys, and then transported to other tissues such as the […]
Methods of presenting the supplements composition on the label
Label review is the most important element in choosing the right supplements for you. In particular, the table of active ingredients should be carefully studied. It should be noted, however, that composition can be presented in different ways. It’s important to know them thoroughly to understand the information presented and […]
5 supplements to help you burn fat
In the fight against unnecessary fatty tissue, proper diet and physical activity are essential. However, the opponent does not play purely, so it’s good that you also have an ace in your sleeve. Chemical support can tilt the victory scales to your page. Beta-alanine Delayed fatigue and improve performance during […]
Glycine – what is and why is it becoming more and more popular?
Glycine, included in the standard biogenic amino acids, is an endogenous compound, which means that our body is capable of self-synthesis. It can be found in proteins (where it accounts for as much as 7.2%) as well as in collagen (accounts for more than 30% of all amino acids that […]
Simple ways to strengthen your immune system in winter
Soon we will miss the sun and the holidays. The coming autumn and winter time is a time when we have to deal with rainy weather, cold evenings and high rates of infection for various types of diseases. Today we can think about how to protect ourselves from frequent illnesses […]
Fat in the athlete’s diet – how much and in what form?
Why does fat play such an important role in the diet of athletes and people losing weight? Can I reduce the amount of fats to minimum when I am on a reducing diet? And when I am trying to build muscle mass, should I eat only more proteins? In this […]
Hades’s Hegemony – New Line of Products
The supplement market is full of companies producing dietary supplements. As experts in the supplementation field, we are trying to find the best products for you, for a lower price. Clients usually follow the commercials that lure people in with pictures of bodybuilders, with captions such as “thanks to product […]
Protein in the diet – all about protein supplements
The heaviest workouts are not able to provide us with the expected results unless we combine them with a well-balanced diet. The main ingredient in the diet that is responsible for building muscle mass is protein. People who are interested in muscle progression should ensure that they receive the optimum […]
CBD – the therapeutic power of plants
For several years, the talk about health benefits of certain compounds contained in marijuana has not decreased in society. Marijuana itself has a dual nature because it can both hurt and help. As it turns out, some of its components carry only health-promoting properties. Despite many controversies and turbulent discussions, […]
Milk – drink or not to drink?
On every second website about healthy diet we may come across discussions about milk and its bad or good influence on our organism and health. Milk, as other products belonging to this “controversial” group has both its supporters and enemies. I would stand somewhere in the middle. On the Internet, […]
Rocket Fuel V.1 – burner full of energy!
Some time ago there was a new post on the official Hades’s Hegemony website, about a new fat burner. The brand offers a product named “Rocket Fuel V.1!” Hades’s Hegemony has accustomed us to uncompromising solutions. SARMSs and Yohimbine have very good reviews. The following products also received warmth from […]
More and more protein in food products
Current trends of pro-health actions aim at the improvement of health by dietetic support. It means that there is a growing interest in nutritious products that are supposed to constitute an element of physical effort support, but not only. These products need to be highly nutritious, which is related mainly […]
Kava Kava – A miracle of nature!
In nature, there are plenty of products with therapeutic, pro-health and regulating processes in our body. One such product is Kava Kava. What is Kava Kava? It’s a product also known as Metistine Pepper, a substance that has a calming effect and is anxiolytic. This plant grows in the Pacific […]
Disorders of liver test results
A liver is one of our most important organs. It’s a part of the digestive system, and its weight varies between 1300g for women up to 1700g for men. The most important functions for us as athletes are: >> Synthesis Mixing fats with bile Making and storing enzymes Synthesis of […]
Extraordinary bioflavonoid – naringenin
Bioflavonoids are plant compounds occurring primarily in citrus fruit. Their positive influence on the functioning of the human organism has been confirmed by many scientific studies. Among dietary supplements containing bioflavonoids, naringenin is frequently encountered. Where does the popularity of this active ingredient come from? Naringenin for health… Similarly to […]
Leucine successfully builds muscles!
Protein synthesis is building new skeletal muscles. When that occurs on a large scale, it’s known as skeletal muscle hypertrophy (increase), or otherwise known as a process thanks to which our muscles become bigger. We will therefore introduce what it is and how the amino acid, also known as leucine, […]
Alphamind – the new king of thermogenics?!
The supplement market doesn’t like any gaps. They are one of the most commonly used when battering or overworking brands. A few years ago, a phenomenal thermogenic product appeared on the market. A company called PES has released a product called Alphamine. Revolutionary composition, including: –Choline dextrin – Hica (3-hydroxy-3-methylbutyric […]
SARM – first composition tests!
Hades’s Hegemony, which offers both SARM and Yohimbine HCL, has decided to be the first to market its product lineup! When buying supplements we often ask ourselves “is the substance in the capsule the same as on the label???”, a big discussion about SARMs regarding the so-called “additions”. Revealed by […]
TOP PRODUCTS: Rhodiola Rosea
In response to such huge interest in our comparison of products containing Ashwagandha, we have decided to continue this thread and compare the products containing the extract from Rhodiola Rosea (rose root). What is Rhodiola Rosea?Active ingredients are contained in rhodiola roseaBiological properties and functionsAdaptogen What is Rhodiola Rosea? Rose […]
Sulforaphane from broccoli a myostatin blocker
An Italian study from 2012 shows that broccoli, cauliflower and other brassica vegetables support the growth and maintenance of muscle mass thanks to the protection of stem cells, which turn into muscle cells. Sulforaphane is responsible for this protection. In the same year, molecular scientists from the university in Bonn […]
Nicotinamide fights MRSA infection in a few hours
As the Oregon State University reports, a study from 2012 suggests that nicotinamide (vitamin B3, in the form of niacin) may be able to fight certain staphylococcus infections resistant to antibiotics. The study was carried out both on laboratory animals, as well as with the use of human blood. High […]
Lately, carbohydrates gained a bad opinion, together with insulin they represent a total dark side, which no one wants to join. However, lipid Jedi’s excel:). All of a sudden my friends cut their carbs to 50g, go on paleo, high fat diet, IF, ketosis, and instead of oatmeal, groats and […]
My opinion about Walden Farms products
Walden Farms – some people love their products, others can not even look at them. I use WF products as an addition to coffee on lazy Saturday breakfast. Some stole my heart right away, but there are several which I am not even able to swallow, such as .: peanut […]
Research on niacin that caused panic
In 2014 in the headlines of many western newspapers and websites there appeared warnings against serious toxicity of niacin, which put a question mark over its safety and sense of usage as a cardiac drug. There have also appeared many researchers, who strongly concluded that niacin is harmful and various […]
Vitamin D reduces acne
The Korean study published in the journal PLoS One in 2016 dealt with the influence of vitamin D on common acne. Acne and vitamin D level The level of vitamin D was tested in 80 people suffering from acne. Deficits were detected in 48,4% of patients with acne and only […]
Levorotatory vitamin C
There exists a very weird and unnecessary myth around vitamin C. I have explained this many times in the comments, but I would like to get it right in the post. Vitamin C is L-ascorbic acid. The letter “L” stands for the isomer with the relative configuration L. Naming it […]
Boost your immune system – Tips and tricks to fight diseases and strengthen your immunity!
An illness will often make us lose our training sessions, as our priorities change. Instead of working out, we are lying in bed with a handkerchief in hand. Let’s end this! Today I will tell you about a few tips how to increase immune system and keep yourself in a […]
Supplements are healthy
A noble and controversial subject: SUPPLEMENTATION! Girls, I have a question! How many of you support yourselves with supplementation? I do, and I am a 100% convinced to it! Why? Supplements are the perfect adjunct to a diet! They are used to cover the demand for specific micro and macronutrients […]
Quick product showcase – Protein 80
Hi-Tec Protein 80- high-protein supplements. Protein 80 contains in the dry matter more than 80% of full-value protein. Protein 80 is an essential supplement for building strong and large muscles – thanks to the combination of whey protein and wheat protein, it supplements the diet of a hard-training athlete with […]
New product from Outbreak Nutrition! Build – for body recomposition!
The full formula of the new Outbreak Nutrition – Build supplement has finally been revealed and looks REALLY promising. The brand decided to combine ingredients and doses that we have not seen in any other supplements. NEVER! What is Build from Outbreak Nutrition? Build from Outbreak Nutrition Build is a […]
What to take to lower cortisol?
The increase in cortisol level is most often associated with frequent staying in a stressful environment. Demanding work, tense situation at home or on a road in a busy city – those are things that often make us stressed, what is the higher level of this hormone. Cortisol – what […]
Positive influence of shiitake mushrooms on health
Shiitake mushrooms have been used for ages in the cuisine and medicine of the Far East, in such countries as Japan or China (both raw and dried!). They contain a lot of rare B-group vitamins and vitamin D. However, their main health advantage is the improvement of the functions of […]