Dietary supplements

Supplementation in depression

Supplementation in depression

An important element of antidepressant therapy may be appropriate supplementation, because we are not always able to supplement the necessary vitamins, minerals, building compounds, or those with the nature of cofactors of certain reactions, through the diet. The more so because depression is associated with decreased appetite. Choosing the right […]

Curcumin. Super spice…?

Curcumin. Super spice…?

What is curcumin?Health BenefitsBioavailability, absorption and metabolism of curcuminCurrent use and clinical trialsReferences: What is curcumin? Curcumin is the pigment found in the spice turmeric which gives it the yellow colour. Approximately 2% of turmeric is curcumin, and it is not readily consumed unless turmeric is added to the diet […]

What is Yohimbine HCl? How does Yohimbine HCl work? Yohimbine HCl ranking

What is Yohimbine HCl? How does Yohimbine HCl work? Yohimbine HCl ranking

Yohimbine is mainly used as an aid in reducing body fat. Many of us struggle with this drawback, it is not a simple problem to solve, so additional support is always useful. Currently, there are many substances on the market that work better or worse supporting weight reduction. Often, however, […]

Forskolin – natural fat burner

Forskolin – natural fat burner

When browsing the labels of the supplements collectively called fat burners, we may repeatedly encounter one ingredient, the extract fromColeus forskohlii, Indian nettle or just forskolin. What are its properties? From Chinese medicine to the market of supplements Therapeutic properties of Coleus froskohliihave been known to Asian people for 3 […]

The best ways to boost your metabolism

The best ways to boost your metabolism

I will tell you about some daily habits that can boost your metabolism to burn fat. Those easy tips and tricks will help you to lose weight and bring you closer to your goals. Let’s get started! Get started in the a.m. – Protein-fast breakfast will boost your metabolism!Make some […]

red Rauvolfia serpentine tree bloom in garden

Rauwolfia Serpentina and Rauwolscine – why to use it? How does it work? And actually, what is it used for?

Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia Serpentina) is the plant from milkweed family, firstly used in Ayurvedic traditional medicine. It was used as a kind of aphrodisiac – even native people noticed its effectiveness in improving mood and libido. But why not only Rauwolfia Serpentina is still used, but its popularity is still growing? […]

Running can destroy your joints! How to run healthy?

Running can destroy your joints! How to run healthy?

The turn of winter and spring is the best time to start running. Both professionals and amateurs start the season. Remember, however, that a bad running technique, instead of improving health, can really hurt our joints. Before we start training, let’s also take care of appropriate strengthening of the body, […]

ZMA and microelements – an essential set for the body

ZMA and microelements – an essential set for the body

Micronutrients are elements that occur in our bodies and have a positive effect on the work of our body, on specific functions, behaviors and feelings. The microelements include, among others, such elements as iodine, selenium, iron, molybdenum, fluorine, manganese, boron, zinc, cobalt, chromium and copper. The demand for elements is […]

Cordyceps supports endurance

Cordyceps supports endurance

Cordyceps, or Chinese gooseberry, is a mushroom belonging to the group of adaptogenes, or herbs that help our organism adapt to living in difficult environments. Cordyceps has been used as an adaptogen for centuries by Tibetan shepherds in the land of natural habitat, who have been watching this way of […]

New fat burner – Red Light !

New fat burner – Red Light !

Controlled Labs continues to surprise its fans with good, high-quality supplements. This time they introduced an interesting formula that supports fat loss. This product is called Red Light , but it is far from a typical slimming supplement containing a combination of ingredients typical for this product category. Red Light […]