The recommended form of vitamin D for the body is vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). It is a fat soluble vitamin meaning that it can pass through cell membranes quite easily, and to optimise bioavailability should be consumed with some type of fat or oil. However most of our bodily vitamin D3 […]
Dietary supplements
Low-Carb Diets
Low carb diet is first thing about which we thing, when we want to lose weight. Currently, we know that it’s not the one and only way of losing weight, however limiting carbohydrates intake (especially simple sugars) can be very beneficial and speed up process of losing weight and fat. […]
5 benefits for which it is worth to increase the level of nitrogen in the body !
Nitric oxide is produced by almost every cell type in the human body and is undoubtedly one of the most important molecules for maintaining blood vessels in good condition. Nitric oxide is a vasodilator, which means it relaxes the internal muscles of the blood vessels, causing them to widen. In […]
Supplementation in depression
An important element of antidepressant therapy may be appropriate supplementation, because we are not always able to supplement the necessary vitamins, minerals, building compounds, or those with the nature of cofactors of certain reactions, through the diet. The more so because depression is associated with decreased appetite. Choosing the right […]
Prophylaxis at steroid cycle
If you were to conduct anonymous surveys among the most frequented gyms, most likely the number of people who have ever had contact with anabolic agents would be impressive. As we all know, the use of anabolics is associated with numerous consequences. These are particularly intense when the right approach […]
PQQ wiki – what is it, which PQQ is the best and why you should use PQQ
The liver is the largest gland of our body and, at the same time, the organ of exceptional importance in life. The liver, also described as a chemistry laboratory of the body, deals primarily with the processing of virtually all chemical compounds, either from the environment or from our tissues. […]
Curcumin. Super spice…?
What is curcumin?Health BenefitsBioavailability, absorption and metabolism of curcuminCurrent use and clinical trialsReferences: What is curcumin? Curcumin is the pigment found in the spice turmeric which gives it the yellow colour. Approximately 2% of turmeric is curcumin, and it is not readily consumed unless turmeric is added to the diet […]
What is Yohimbine HCl? How does Yohimbine HCl work? Yohimbine HCl ranking
Yohimbine is mainly used as an aid in reducing body fat. Many of us struggle with this drawback, it is not a simple problem to solve, so additional support is always useful. Currently, there are many substances on the market that work better or worse supporting weight reduction. Often, however, […]
Fight your inflammations!
During a study, whose results were published in an American medical journal Cell, it was proven that certain kinds of fat contained in food may counteract fever. Fats and inflammation. Is fat a cause of inflammation states?Inflammation clinical studies. Inflammation facts.What is inflammation? Why do I have inflammation?How can your […]
Forskolin – natural fat burner
When browsing the labels of the supplements collectively called fat burners, we may repeatedly encounter one ingredient, the extract fromColeus forskohlii, Indian nettle or just forskolin. What are its properties? From Chinese medicine to the market of supplements Therapeutic properties of Coleus froskohliihave been known to Asian people for 3 […]
The best ways to boost your metabolism
I will tell you about some daily habits that can boost your metabolism to burn fat. Those easy tips and tricks will help you to lose weight and bring you closer to your goals. Let’s get started! Get started in the a.m. – Protein-fast breakfast will boost your metabolism!Make some […]
Coffee on a diet – how to prepare it to get the most benefits out of it?
We usually reach for coffee when we lack energy and are feeling sleepy. Some people drink it out of habit, others just like the taste of it. Drinking this aromatic beverage can be really beneficial for people caring for their slim figure. The caffeine contained in coffee is an ingredient […]
Cysteine, NAC, N-acetyl-L-Cysteine – compendium
Cysteine (mostly in the form of N-acetyl-L-cysteine also called NAC) is one of the 20 amino acids. Cysteine is crucial for our organism to stay in homeostasis. Its intake from food can not be sufficient for our body organism, so it is worth to consider its supplementation. Why to supplement […]
Can we pop a pill to ramp up brain power?
From LSD to hot chocolate, there’s a wide range of brain enhancing chemicals naturally occurring in nature which can physically change the way our brains process information. What’s the magic pill to give us razor sharp focus with a memory like an elephant? There’s a lot out there and the […]
Adaptogens for a calm mind and a good night’s sleep
Stressful days, racing minds and difficultly nodding off at night are all too common, but what is it that actually keeps us awake? Stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline are the main culprits, keeping us on edge when we should be winding down ready for a restful night’s sleep. […]
The Joy of Soy
Soybeans are awesome, why? Allow me to elaborate on the joy of soy. Soy comes from soybeans which are mostly found in Asia and are part of the legume’s family. Where is Soya come from? An interesting fact is that evidence indicates that soybeans were grown and used for consumption […]
Rauwolfia Serpentina and Rauwolscine – why to use it? How does it work? And actually, what is it used for?
Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia Serpentina) is the plant from milkweed family, firstly used in Ayurvedic traditional medicine. It was used as a kind of aphrodisiac – even native people noticed its effectiveness in improving mood and libido. But why not only Rauwolfia Serpentina is still used, but its popularity is still growing? […]
Running can destroy your joints! How to run healthy?
The turn of winter and spring is the best time to start running. Both professionals and amateurs start the season. Remember, however, that a bad running technique, instead of improving health, can really hurt our joints. Before we start training, let’s also take care of appropriate strengthening of the body, […]
Turmeric, what are the benefits?
Turmeric, for some known for others unknown, but I bet you have seen or eating it without even knowing! Turmeric is often used for creating the yellow colour of curry and is very healthy! Today we will discuss the benefits of turmeric and its use. What Turmeric does for your […]
Adaptogens – are they real? How do they work? 2019 Adaptogens compedium
More and more people are reaching for various types of herbs to heal their ailments. As it turns out, many people wonders how do they work actually, and if they are real. What exactly are adaptogens and how can they affect our health? New, 2019 Adaptogens compedium is here to […]
Helping you through the last time of the winter
February can be a cold, miserable month as we anxiously await the first signs of Spring but help is at hand to lift your spirits and beat the late winter blues! It is a prime time for colds; with over two hundred easy-to-catch, common cold viruses circling around us. Keeping […]
ZMA and microelements – an essential set for the body
Micronutrients are elements that occur in our bodies and have a positive effect on the work of our body, on specific functions, behaviors and feelings. The microelements include, among others, such elements as iodine, selenium, iron, molybdenum, fluorine, manganese, boron, zinc, cobalt, chromium and copper. The demand for elements is […]
Phenylalanine – support for dopamine production
Phenylalanine is an organic chemical compound belonging to the essential amino acids. So we do not produce it ourselves, but we have to deliver it either with food or with proper supplementation.It is the basic building block of proteins. Recommended for consumption in the form of supplements, especially by athletes. […]
Glycerol – from a marathon to weightlifting
Although glycerol has been used for support more than half a century ago, today’s interest in this compound is returning, so – more often – we find it in the recipes of modern athlete nutrition. In the middle of the last century it was used by heavy weight lifters, in […]
Cordyceps supports endurance
Cordyceps, or Chinese gooseberry, is a mushroom belonging to the group of adaptogenes, or herbs that help our organism adapt to living in difficult environments. Cordyceps has been used as an adaptogen for centuries by Tibetan shepherds in the land of natural habitat, who have been watching this way of […]
3 steps to restore collagen and a youthful bounce to your skin
Known as the beauty elixir, collagen is the glue that holds our skin together as the main component of connective tissues. Collagen works its magic alongside elastin to keep skin bouncy and taut, so it’s no wonder we want more! As collagen production reduces as early as our mid […]
Consider taking MSM supplements for healthier cells inside out
A body made up of healthy, flexible cells not only feels better, it looks better too. The body continuously works replacing old, worn out cells with new ones. The process goes on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, non-stop. When the raw materials needed for cell-building are available, […]
To help aching muscles and joints,
Rheumatic pains are annoying and can effectively hinder everyday functioning. More and more people – and not only in older age – complain of joint and bone pain. What is the effective way to deal with this ailment? What to do to keep your joints functioning? And what to look […]
Brain gymnastics – smarter in the spring!
Do you have problems concentrating? Do you want to say something, but you do not have enough words? It’s a sign that your brain needs a decent dinner and … gymnastics! The brain is only 2 percent. weight, but consumes as much as 20 percent. the energy that our body […]
5 ways to reduce muscle pain!
2019, the cliché of new year, new me. Gyms filled with determined newcomers who overdid their first workout and wake up the next morning with terrible muscle soreness. When people complain to me about muscle soreness, I often remember my dad, he always says; ‘to lose the muscle soreness, you […]
Wake up spring in yourself
We nearly have dark and cold days behind us but after winter we can feel tired and weak. Exhausted organism is also very susceptible to infections. To be able to fully enjoy the spring, we should take care of proper regeneration. A balanced diet, outdoor movement and relaxation are of […]
For the love of seniors – the composition of the tea
The beginning of the year is a special time not only because of the new possibilities and the plans and hopes that accompany them. It is also the period in which we celebrate many important events, which should definitely include Grandma’s and Grandfather’s Day. On this occasion, we have prepared […]
Healthy Hair – what to take?
I believe the condition of our hair reflects the state of our general health. More and more women and men are suffering from hair loss and thinning hair than ever before! I have not found a miracle shampoo that will magically transform your hair into luscious locks. If products claim […]
New fat burner – Red Light !
Controlled Labs continues to surprise its fans with good, high-quality supplements. This time they introduced an interesting formula that supports fat loss. This product is called Red Light , but it is far from a typical slimming supplement containing a combination of ingredients typical for this product category. Red Light […]
What is DMAA and why is it called a Geranium extract?
1,3-dimethylamylamine – this compound (also called Methylhexanamine or DMAA) has caught on to be called Geranium or Geranamine. A few words for a start – DMAA has nothing to do with this plant. The research has proven that a related substance appears only in one Geranium variety – Pelargonium – […]
#3 Supplements review – Vitamin D3& K2MK7 from Apollos Hegemony
Vitamin D3 is one of the most popular supplements nowadays. The geographical location which is the condition for the sunlight raysangle affection and the number of days in the year when we can enjoy it are not too favorable for the level of this vitamin in our system. Of course, […]
The best B complex on the market!
The increase of social awareness in the subject of nutrition and supplementation causes that a growing number of people are deciding to supplement their diet with the B vitamins package. More and more often attention is paid to the forms of vitamins contained in such a supplement, because the choice […]
WPC – whey protein concentrate
WPC is a whey protein concentrate so popular among athletes practicing strength sports. These nutrients are protein supplements with a protein composition that are extremely important when building mass and body sculpting. Whey protein is produced through the micro and ultrafiltration process. Thanks to the right technology, you can get […]
WPI – action and dosage
WPI is a whey protein isobath which, compared to WPC, has been subjected to a greater amount of filtration than the concentrate during so-called microfiltration of cross flow. Thanks to such methods, we obtain a pure preparation with an increased content of peptides, with a better amino acid profile and […]
Pea protein – only for vegetarians?
Pea protein nutrient is a relatively new supplement that has recently been very popular. It is a great source of protein for all those who do not want or can not use animal protein. It is particularly valuable because it has a high concentration of arginine, lysine, phenylalanine and BCAA […]
Soy protein – a convenient alternative
Soy protein is the best protein among available forms of vegetable protein. It has an extremely rich aminogram and a high arginine content. The soybeans themselves contain high doses of the B group vitamins, such as phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, iron and potassium. Due to the large amount of polyunsaturated fatty […]
Micellar casein – how it works?
Among the people practicing strength training, casein is certainly well known, because in addition to whey they are one of the most popular protein supplements. This is a milk protein that is found in a large quantity in dairy products. In its structure, it has, among others, Alpha-casein, beta-casein, kappa-casein […]
WPH – operation and advantages
WPH is a hydrolyzate, i.e. a protein obtained by hydrolysis.It has excellent quality, high amino acid content and very good digestibility as compared to WPC and WPI.The protein content in nutrients is even 100%. WPH operationWhen and for whom WPH?Dosing of WPH The pickling time is between 0.2 and 0.5 […]
AMINO ACIDS – building blocks of muscles
Exogenous Exogenous amino acids are compounds necessary for life. We are not able to produce them ourselves, which is why it is necessary to eat them together with food. There are eight kinds of them: Lysine – has immune and antiviral properties Methionine – acts immune and regulates the production […]
HMB – supporting the building of muscle mass
HMB is hydroxymethylbutyrate which is one of the most popular ingredients found in sports nutrition. His task is to support muscle mass and facilitate fat burning. HMB is a metabolite, hence the final product of leucine metabolism. HMB operation HMB activity is extremely wide, which is why it is often […]
Arginine – the basic amino acid
Arginine is an amino acid belonging to the group of endogenous amino acids that arise in the body or exogenous, which we must provide along with food. It has long been recognized that L-arginine is a great way to increase the efficiency of the body, as well as improve the […]
Beta-alanine – an amino acid that increases efficiency
One of the best-known supplements on the market, which is used by both bodybuilders, people exercising on gyms and people practicing other sports activities. Beta-Alanine is a chemical compound from the group of amino acids. Its amino group is in the molecule with beta carbon. It is a precursor of […]
Cysteine – another important amino acid
Cysteine is a naturally occurring amino acid that contains sulfur in its composition. By the way, it contains a thiol group that is significantly different from other available amino acids. Cysteine is produced by the body alone. Usually, the dose is sufficient for the needs of every human being. Additionally, […]
Glycine – an amino acid that supports the whole body
Glycine is one of the most simple endogenous amino acids that occurs naturally in the human body. You can, however, provide it to the body through an appropriate diet rich in protein, through drugs and dietary supplements. It is part of proteins, builds collagen, and participates in the synthesis of […]
Glutamine – health and training efficiency
Glutamine is an amino acid that belongs to the group of endogenous amino acids, so it is produced alone at certain doses by the human body. It occurs in free form or it is produced in muscle cells from valine, isoleucine or from glutamic acid. It is both a component […]