The liver is an organ that has almost innumerable functions in our body.In addition, all these functions are so distinct from each other that it is difficult to find an equally diverse body in the human body. A healthy and well-working liver is one of the important conditions for longevity. Damage to this organ, which leads to the disruption of many important processes in the body, can easily shorten our lives.Why this happens should explain to you the discussion of liver function and the risks of any disorder.
It seems that detox is the primary function of the liver, because no other organ even approaches it for effective action in this category. The liver filters the blood and cleans it of toxins. Both from those of external origin (eg alcohol), as well as those produced by our own body in various processes (eg ammonia). This role of the liver seems crucial to human health and longevity.In the case of irreversible liver failure, only transplantation of this organ gives a chance to return to a relatively normal functioning. It only emphasizes the importance of this body.
The best method for not allowing liver problems associated with toxin damage is simply ... limiting this type of substance. Sounds plain, but it's true. The liver, thanks to the years of evolution, can very well deal with the neutralization and removal of toxic substances from the body. Today, however, we have much more toxins in our environment than before, and thus the risk of problems increases. Avoiding all kinds of toxic substances - from pesticides in food, through excess alcohol, to drugs that can damage the liver - is the first and biggest step to be taken for the longevity of this body. First of all, do not harm;Fortunately, in a situation where we are at risk, that is for some time we will be exposed to such substances, nature comes to our aid.

You've probably heard about Milk Thistle. Sylimarin is obtained from Milk Thistle. It is a flavonolignan complex which consists of, among others silybin, isosilibine, silychristin, silidianin, dehydrosylbibine, desoxysilikristin, deoxysilidinium, sylandrine, silymonin, syliherminy and neosylihermine, and flavonoids - taxifolines. However, the milk thistle contains much more ingredients. These include phytosterols, flavonoids, tannins, proteins and biogenic amines, organic acids, mucus, vitamins C and K, and mineral salts. However, the strongest effect of this mixture is the silybin mentioned at the very beginning, which is about 50% of Sylimarin.
Hepatoprotectors (protecting hepatocytes, i.e. hepatic cells), the action of Sylimarin is well described in the scientific literature. It is worth knowing, however, that this plant was already used in antiquity for healing purposes. The action of Silymarin is based primarily on increasing the regenerative capacity of liver cells, sealing the membrane of hepatocytes and increased production of glutathione, the strongest antioxidant that the human body has. These three functions provide the liver with truly comprehensive protection!
Staying with glutathione - one can mention one more substance that will no doubt be great for both prevention and support of already damaged liver cells. It's about N-acetyl-L-cysteine. NAC is the most important substrate that our body uses to produce glutathione. This one not only greatly protects the liver from potential damage, it also has detoxifying properties, supporting the liver also in this field.
It plays an important role in the regulation of the sugar economy.
Carbohydrates that the body breaks down into glucose are stored in the liver in the form of glycogen. There, sugar in this form plays the role of a backup material, which is released and recycled to glucose in a situation where the body has an increased need for this type of fuel.
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease is a diagnosis that is increasingly heard by many people around the world. This disease consists in the deposition of excessive amounts of fats in liver cells. Contrary to appearances, however, it is not directly related to fat consumption. The overabundance of energy with an emphasis on sugars, especially the simple ones, plays a paramount role in this problem.
And among these sugars, especially fructose must be distinguished. The metabolism of fructose runs almost entirely in the liver, so you can find numerous indications that it is especially excess of this type of sugar that affects the fatty tissue of liver cells.In the studies of 2018, we can read that fructose causes the accumulation of fat in the liver, both due to increased lipogenesis and hindering the oxidation of fatty acids by the body.

The good news is that you do not have to remove any carbohydrates from your diet (probably) today to prevent problems with the liver. It is enough to provide a reasonable amount of energy from the diet, and the amount and quality of carbohydrates to match your level of activity during the day. For non-alcoholic fatty liver disease predisposing primarily diseases such as insulin resistance, obesity or type 2 diabetes, so you should stay away from them.
Several natural substances can help in the context of sugar problems, which will positively affect its stabilization. It is worth taking a look at substances such as Berberine or alpha-lipoic acid, which can be invaluable support in the fight against disorders in the glucose-insulin economy. Remember, however, that nothing can replace the proper eating habits, activity and proper hygiene of lifestyle.
Other liver functions
The liver, apart from cleansing the body of toxins and sugar regulation, performs several other important functions in the body. Responds to secretion of bile necessary for proper digestion of fats, storage of certain vitamins, heparin production, cholesterol production. In addition, it takes part in the body's immunity or the production of enzymes and proteins.
All these above mentioned functions are extremely important for health and longevity of a person. You can make the most of your liver problems in two ways - by surrounding yourself with too many toxins, or by neglecting your fatness. If you will conscientiously avoid the above described threats, there is a good chance that your liver will effectively perform the functions described above for a long time.