FDA wants to ban caffeine?!

Disturbing news for the fans of the most popular stimulating substance flow to us from across the ocean. FDA (Food and Drug Administration) in April this year (2018) issued guidelines on "highly concentrated caffeine in dietary supplements", which would indicate a desire to more strongly regulate its use. [1]

The main argument of the FDA is that measuring the proper dosage of caffeine is difficult for the consumer ("one teaspoon of pure caffeine contains a lethal dose o caffeine, which increases the risk of overdose"). In addition, attention is paid to incorrect (too big) scoops added to products. The FDA stated that it is very easy to make mistakes in the dosage, where the difference between a "flat measure" and "heaped measure" can cause up to 200% difference in the dose.

Vox Populi

The internet erupted with comments and get really hot. Opinions ranged from "restricting freedom and spoiling the market!" to "this is for safety!". You should look at this situation with as calmly as possible.

On the one hand, it seems like a huge overprotection. The products are already caked with practically every possible warning (in the US the situation is even more extreme, which is often the cause of grotesque jokes about health legislation and insurance companies), caffeine is one of the best-studied supplements, we know virtually all its risks and no self-respectable supplement seller would recommend caffeine products to people with hypersensitivity or blood pressure problems. In the most extreme cases, you can always use more accurate kitchen scales, or even jewellery scales, which are very accurate in measuring doses.

On the other hand, we are talking about the average American equivalent of "Kowalski," who in a hurry and inattention can really hurt himself. The approach of "who cares" is popular among the population, and it is precisely for fear of their health that the FDA has turned its attention to caffeine powders.

What does the actual situation look like at the moment?

So far the FDA has issued a "Guidance". At this point all lawyers should know what is going on.
In the simplest terms - nothing happens until a specific law is created, with a specific paragraph relating to the restriction of the sale or production of caffeine-based products. "Guidance" can not be considered a source of law, but only a "tip" for producers, that they can (but do not have to) adhere to.

However, this may also be the first step to tightening the disposition of caffeine in supplements. We'll know for sure in the coming months. It is worth observing the next steps of the FDA. It is also not known so far if the FDA is looking at caffeine in all stacks and capsules. Only pure caffeine powders are mentioned.

A word from us

In our opinion everyone has the right to decide what supplements they use and the introduction of further regulations will only make people buy caffeine from dubious sources. This usually causes a real, greater threat. In case of any problems the one that loses the most is the manufacturer of a specific product, be it from financial loss due to lawsuits or marketing loss in the eye of the public. In the case of products from "under the counter", the responsibility is diluted and the consumer is left on his own.


  1. https://www.fda.gov/downloads/Food/GuidanceRegulation/GuidanceDocumentsRegulatoryInformation/UCM604319.pdf
Tags: ban, banned, caffeine, caffeine banned, is caffeine banned

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