Glycine – an amino acid that supports the whole body

Glycine is one of the most simple endogenous amino acids that occurs naturally in the human body. You can, however, provide it to the body through an appropriate diet rich in protein, through drugs and dietary supplements. It is part of proteins, builds collagen, and participates in the synthesis of glucose and creatine. He builds red blood cells.

The action of glycine

The action of glycine is very wide because it affects both the proper functioning of the body as well as the appearance. Its presence affects the synthesis of hemoglobin, purine and pyridine compounds and erythrocytes. It has a detoxifying effect, inhibits gastric acid secretion and supports calcium absorption.It has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antipsychotic properties. Taking care of the right amount of glycine, we guarantee the body the right work.

    Dosage of glycine

    Glycine can be delivered to the body through a proper diet rich, among others, in sesame seeds, wheat germs, pumpkin seeds and sunflower seeds. A large amount of glycine is also found in fish, smoked mackerel, chicken breast, white rice, egg yolk, raspberries, buckwheat, seafood, oatmeal or cheese.It can also be taken in the form ofsupplements, if necessary. It is rarely a shortage of it, unless you are talking about a diet with high protein deficiencies or in the case of a disease that overproduces the protein.

    Studies confirming the effectiveness of glycine

    Although it is the smallest of amino acids, glycine is of great importance for the whole human body.

    • Glycine has anti-inflammatory properties

    Performing studies in mice and rats, it was proved that the administration of glycine reduced TRL4 and TNF-alpha, inhibited Nf-kB.In rats with liver damage, administration of glycine resulted in the survival of as much as 83% of subjects, while those in whom he was not given survival was 0%.

    • It improves skin condition

    When conducting the study, women were given 2.5 g of collagen for four weeks.The results showed a reduction in the number of wrinkles around the eyes by as much as 20%. After eight weeks, the content of pro collagen type I increased by 65%, and elastin by 18%.This compound thus significantly improves elasticity and hydration, as well as slows down skin damage.

    • Positive effect on the intestines

    It protects against stomach ulcers, increases aspirin tolerance, improves smooth muscle dysfunctions after transplants, reduces inflammation, and protects against oxidative stress.

    • Supports thyroid function

    According to the research conducted on trout, the conclusions showed that glycine may increase the conversion of T4 to T3 in the liver.

    • Has a positive effect on the good condition of the brain

    It extends microvessels in the brain and edema. If it's not enough to affect brain neurochemistry, synthesis of collagen, DNA and other metabolites,

    • It works antidepressant

    By increasing the level of glycine in the blood, and at the same time reducing taurine, this supplement can have a positive effect in the fight against depression and other mental diseases.

    • It reduces obesity

    The action of glycine is responsible for the increase in the level of adioponectin, which in turn may have a significant effect in reducing body fat.

    • It helps in the treatment of diabetes

    Patients with diabetes have low glycine levels by nearly 26% compared to healthy controls.By using it, it positively influences the human body. The level of free fatty acids in the blood is reduced, the glycated hemoglobin is reduced, the secretion of the intestinal hormone is stimulated,

    • It lowers blood pressure and supports the heart

    Prevents death of myocardial cells in case of heart attacks.Its task is to inhibit the mitochondrial permeability.In addition, glycine is affected by the reduction of systolic blood pressure in the metabolic syndrome.

    • It helps the kidneys

    If there is an adequate amount of glycine in the body then the kidney tubing is resistant to damage associated with oxygen deficiency,

    • Prevents caries

    When performing tests on rats, a decrease in the incidence of caries by nearly 65.7% was noted,

    Tags: glycine, glycine action, glycine dosage

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