Health according to Ayurveda philosophy

Ayurveda is a holistic medical system, derived from the Vedic civilization (ancient India), dealing with physical, mental and spiritual health.

    Ayurveda philosophy

    The basis of his assumptions is that good health is the result of a balance between the three sources of bioenergy known as the dosha vata (wind and ether), pitta (fire), and kapha (earth and water). Health, according to Ayurveda, is not the lack of disease, but the balance between the physical body, mind and spirit.

    Human, as a part of nature, is subject to all its rules. However we try to isolate ourselves from the environment - be it through technology or chemicals and pharmaceuticals or whatever - we are not going to change our nature. We are a microcosm living in a macrocosm with which we are inseparable.

    Health state in relation to Ayurveda philosophy

    Maintaining health depends, therefore, on the implementation of the same principles that govern the health of all living creatures. We are not above them just because we invented antibiotics, pesticides and vaccines. In fact, pharmaceuticals (usually) harm us more than help us. They disrupt the body’s natural ability to heal itself; make our immune system less and less efficient from generation to generation.

    Is there any advice for this? Of course; every problem has a solution. In the case of health, the answer to our questions may be ancient medicine, which focuses not only on the physical body (as is the case with modern medicine) but on all elements of the human being. A great example is Ayurveda, which is over 5000 years old.

    According to Ayurveda, the universe consists of the five elements (panca mahabhuta) of space (akasa), air (Vayu), fire (Agni), water (Jala) and earth (Prithvi). Regardless of where he comes from, man has an innate knowledge of these five elements of material existence. So it is no secret or magical knowledge - it is basic knowledge known in all cultures of the world.

    Ayurveda goes a little further. Namely, he sees the five elements also in man. We eat food that comes from the earth, and our body - sooner or later - returns to the land where it comes from. Water is a substance that supports life - it accounts for over 70% of the total human body weight. Fire provides heat and radiant energy; it is found in all metabolic changes and chemical processes in our body. Air flows freely throughout the body, enabling biological processes to take place and supplying each cell with oxygen. Space is omnipresent; it is the carrier of all the elements and enables them to work together harmoniously.

    Why do we differ?

    We must remember that each person is different, and thus - his life energies have their own unique system. Some people have one dosha dominant, others two, and sometimes (very rarely) all three. Have you ever wondered what actually makes people so different? Why do some eat hearty meals without problems, while others can barely finish their bowl of soup? Some are sad, some are happy; fast or slow. Modern science (with genetics at the fore) tries to explain all these differences, but we still do not know why each of us is unique.

    In Ayurveda, the essence of man is analyzed through the prism of the three doshas, pitta and kapha. The word dosha means what causes disintegration. These are the most important factors determining human health; his behaviour and character traits also depend on them. If all three doshas are in equilibrium, they bring well-being and happiness. If the balance is upset then disease arises.

    According to Ayurveda, during our conception, the doshas are shaped by deciding on the set of characteristics that make us the people we are. This applies to everything from eye and hair colour, to height and build, to personality traits. Throughout our lives, we are influenced by what we eat, our behaviour, professional factors, human relationships, family life, etc. All these elements also have an impact on dosha. So as you can see, everything is related and interacts with each other.

    The Ayurvedic philosophy explains that we are all integral parts of the universe and its basic elements. This means that we feel best when we are close to nature and green things (if you can put it that way). This is why climate change affects our body, how we feel and even our thoughts.

    The human body is a complex mechanism, the correct operation of which depends not only on its physical elements but also on life energy. In a living organism, mind and soul are an inseparable part of it - they have an equally important contribution to both disease and health. The life force that drives the living organism is the cosmic energy that is the source of all creation (some would call it God, Tao, or something else). When the body dies, the life force leaves it and returns to its source to assume a new form.

    Ayurveda explains the reason for each creation, the purpose of life and death. It teaches how to keep balance in all elements of existence - internal and external. It is this harmony that is the base of health and long life.


    Modern medicine most often deals with the fight against symptoms. Instead, doctors should teach prevention. Isn’t prevention better than cure? Maintaining harmony between the body, mind and spirit is the most effective way to protect yourself from most ailments. To maintain balance in the body, Ayurveda uses a number of natural remedies and techniques. They work quickly and without the side effects that are so common with pharmacological preparations. According to Ayurveda, the basic principle of maintaining health is being close to nature and living in harmony.

    Tags: ayurveda, Ayurveda philosophy, self-development

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