Health properties of juices

While standing in a supermarket, I read information about ingredients on the label. I check whether the products I eat are healthy and how much food additives they contain. I’m not the only one who does this. Many people try to shop thoughtfully. They pay attention to what they eat. More and more often, purchasing decisions are made basing not only on price but also on nutritrional value they give.

    Most important product in shopping cart

    Out of all the products that end up in my basket, one has a special meaning for me. It is vegetable juice. Why am I writing about it? Because drinking it is one of the best ways to stay healthy. It is well known that fruits and vegetables are a very important part of a healthy diet. It’s best to eat them raw, but we don’t always like it that way.

    I also do not like all vegetables, although I am aware of how important they are for my body. There is an easy way to eat foods you don’t like -  make a juice out of them. Of course, I mean drinks made from raw vegetables. Cooking them before blending degrades the micronutrients and in result lowers the nutritional value of vegetables, changing their chemical composition. So unprocessed products are the best choice for making a juice.

    Some people use vegetable juices to lose weight. Apparently, it’s a pretty good method. However, I do not struggle with my weight - I make juices because I care about healthy eating. It is similar to fruit, but you have to remember that they have a higher sugar content (except lemons and limes). One of my friends, who is just on a diet, avoids fruit juices - she counts every calorie.

    Healthy juices recipes

    Most vegetables can be made into juice. This means that we can easily find products to prepare the right drink. However, making a healthy and tasteful juice is not as easy as it may seem. Therefore, it is worth knowing good recipes that we will gladly use. You will find a lot of ideas for vegetable drinks nearly everywhere. I would like to present a few of my favourites.

    Roots juice

    Roots juice
    Roots juice


    1 beetroot, 1 carrot, 1 celery stalk, 1/2 young potato, 1 radish


    vitamin C, potassium, betaine

    Health benefits

    Roots juice reduces the risk of cancer, relieve pain in ulcers, helps in digestive disorders prevention and dissolves stones bile.

    Multi-carrot juice

    Multi-carrot juice
    Multi-carrot juice


    4 carrots, 2 celery stalks, 1 handful of spinach, 1 apple, 1/2 lemon, 1 handful of parsley


    vitamin C, vitamin A (beta-carotene), iron, potassium, vitamin K, manganese, copper, magnesium, chlorophyll

    Health benefits

    Multi-carrot juice stimulates the nervous system, refreshes breath, increases energy levels and supports weight loss.


    Broccoli juice

    Broccoli juice
    Broccoli juice

    2 large broccoli, 2 celery stalks, 1 lemon, 1 apple


    vitamin C, vitamin A (beta-carotene), calcium, iron, thiamine, sulforaphane (an active ingredient helping in the prevention and treatment of certain neoplastic diseases)

    Health benefits

    Broccoli juice reduces the risk of stroke and cataracts, is a strong antioxidant and supports the treatment of neoplastic diseases.

    Tags: fruit juice, juices, vegetable juice

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