Healthy Lifestyle

Diabetes and physical exercise – contraindications. A post-training meal for a diabetics

Diabetes and physical exercise – contraindications. A post-training meal for a diabetics

ADA (American Diabetes Association) defines diabetes as a group of metabolic diseases characterized by hyperglycaemia (excess sugar), which is a consequence of disorders of secretion and / or action of insulin. According to GUS data analysed in 2016, the number of ill people in Poland reaches nearly 3 million, with […]

Want to lose weight? Use intervals!

Want to lose weight? Use intervals!

Looking for the perfect form of activity that would help us lose weight, we most often choose to work on rather low intensity and long duration. Such an training will be trotting, running for longer distances. However, studies show that this is not the most effective form of fat reduction. […]

Beginner mistakes: endless reduction

Beginner mistakes: endless reduction

Having problems with building muscle mass, there comes a moment when it’s necessary to go on reduction. However, many beginners start their adventure precisely from this type of activities that are aimed at lowering their weight, reducing the accumulation of fat that has been harvested within a few years of […]

Synergy of supplements, part 1 – Forskolin and PDE-4 inhibitors

Synergy of supplements, part 1 – Forskolin and PDE-4 inhibitors

Appropriate combination of substances allows one to intensify their operation or extend their spectrum of applications. The use of synergy of action of various substances is the basis of advanced supplementation, which lies at the base of the perfectly perceptible effects of complex pre-workout, fat-burning or nootropic preparations. In this […]

Benefits from Full Body Workout (FBW) training

Benefits from Full Body Workout (FBW) training

Most of people started with Full Body Workout type of training. With strength and experience gained, they started to changing it to split-type training, because they considered it as more advanced. And here, we’ve got question, is that correct statement, that full body workout is good for beginners, when split […]

L-Theanine – a non-protein amino acid with wide range of interesting properties

L-Theanine – a non-protein amino acid with wide range of interesting properties

L-Theanine is an amino acid (amino acids are colloquially speaking ingredients that build all body proteins). An interesting fact is that L-Theanine is not a typical amino acid, because it does not occur in food protein, as its name suggests – tea, is naturally found in the leaves of green […]

Lexicon supplementation: Gotu kola

Lexicon supplementation: Gotu kola

Current supplemental trends indicate that the use of adaptogen in sports supplementation. These are active compounds that exhibit neuromodulatory, neuroprotective effects. Their use in the world of sports consists of supporting concentration, regeneration, as well as accelerating adaptation to training and consequently, supporting physical activity. The active substanceAction and biological […]

ALCAR - chemical formulation

Lexicon supplementation: Acetyl-L-carnitine

Acetyl-L-Carnitine is one of the compounds that are used in sports supplementation to improve brain function, cognitive support, and concentration. However, as indicated by scientific reports, its effect also affects energy expenditure, which is linked to the effect on metabolism. The active substance ALCAR or acetylated form of l-carnitine is […]

Different faces of vitamin B12 – characteristics of individual forms

Different faces of vitamin B12 – characteristics of individual forms

B12 is one of the most important vitamins circulating in our body. It is worth mentioning, however, that vitamin B12 is not a single substance and it is present in several forms, including cyanocobalamin, methylcobalamine, hydroxocobalamin and adenosylcobalamin, which show some differences. Let’s look at the properties of each of […]

Selenium in thyroid diseases

Selenium in thyroid diseases

Long-term attempts have been made to treat inflammatory thyroid diseases and other serious conditions (cancer!) with selenium preparations. Selenium is part of the enzymes involved in the preparation and distribution of thyroid hormones and “antioxidant” enzymes, so there came an idea of administering it for therapeutic purposes. Most recent studies, […]

Inulin – how does it work?

Inulin – how does it work?

Supplements that support slimming process often contain natural ingredients derived from plants. In the fight against excessive pounds inulin is one of the most effective substance. Inulin support of the weight loss is mainly based on the reduction of appetite, but it is also worth exploring its other properties which […]



Hyperthyroidism is a condition of excessive thyroid hormone secretion. This term does not include the effects of excess thyroid hormones, which we term thyrotoxicosis. Untreated hyperthyroidism can lead to thyrotoxicosis. But also the administration of excessive amounts of thyroid hormone, which is used in hypothyroidism, can cause thyrotoxicosis (rather than […]

Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency

The most serious clinical problem in this topic, which can affect almost every person living in our climate zone, is the widespread phenomenon of vitamin D deficiency in the winter months. Deficiencies associated with lack of vitamin D are in turn causing other medical problems: abnormal diagnosis of osteoporosis and […]

7 properties of Saw Palmetto

7 properties of Saw Palmetto

Saw Palmetto has found its application in supplementation due to a range of interesting properties this plant represents. However, before we enumerate all pro-health features, it is worth mentioning about the origin and utilization of the plant. What Saw Palmetto is actually?Saw Palmetto as pupport in the fight with impotenceSaw Palmetto […]

See which supplements you should take, to make your exercise results be even better!

See which supplements you should take, to make your exercise results be even better!

The key to a slim figure and good mood is not just regular exercise and a healthy, balanced diet, but also supplementation. See which ones are worth taking to enjoy a healthy and good form! AntioxidantsOmega-3 fatty acidProtein supplementBCAA Amino AcidsGlutamineA set of vitamins strengthening hair, skin and nails Antioxidants […]

Lyme disease

Lyme disease

Tick-borne diseases are gaining popularity in recent times; the awareness of people in the matter of examining themselves and controlling their own health is also growing. Hence, such a large number of people who are diagnosed with Lyme disease – at different stages of course. Lyme disease – originIn the […]