Healthy Lifestyle

Diet – key to success

Diet – key to success

Many people, especially beginners, are wondering what the basis and the key to being healthy are, as well as shaping the figure. How to combine these two goals? Undoubtedly, the basis for our figure to look aesthetically, especially during the holidays, is the right strength training and change to our […]

Donating blood and physical activity

Donating blood and physical activity

There is a large group of sportsmen, who quit regular blood donation for fear of decreased efficiency, endurance and worse sports results. There are also active donors, who wonder if a day of blood donation needs to be a non-workout day. What is the truth? Can I donate blood if […]

Supplementation for people beginning their adventure with bodybuilding

Supplementation for people beginning their adventure with bodybuilding

Many beginners ask themselves a question whether they should reach for any supplements already at the beginning of their adventure with strength training. When they finally make a decision, they have doubts, which supplement to choose, what will be appropriate for them and what will be a redundant additive, which […]

Cool down – a way to improve regeneration

Cool down – a way to improve regeneration

Beginning the journey with strength training, we read a lot about the proper training techniques, using specific movements so that they would be safe for the joints and wouldn’t harm our silhouette. We also read everything related to preparing our body for a training session, or in other words supporting […]

High Doses of Vitamins Fight Alzheimer’s Disease

High Doses of Vitamins Fight Alzheimer’s Disease

High Doses of Vitamins Fight Alzheimer’s Disease High Doses of Vitamins Fight Alzheimer’s DiseaseWhy Don’t Doctors Recommend high dosages of vitamins?Details of clinical study regarding using high dose of vitaminsClinical study regarding using high dose of niacin – receptionNiacin’s side effects. Is Niacin safety? Scientific sources regarding niacin safenessNiacin intake […]

Raw honey

Raw honey

Honey, the stuff that bees make in their hives, is harvested, then processed for sale and ends up in your tea. Did you know that it is actually healthier eaten raw? Fresh from the hive? Let me convince you to try raw honey instead of regular honey. What is honey? […]

Yoga Only For Flexible People?

Yoga Only For Flexible People?

“I’d love to try yoga, but I’m just not flexible enough…” If you ever found yourself uttering the words above, then I suggest you consider starting your yoga journey with Iyengar Yoga. This practice focuses on a correct alignment and to enable the students to find comfort in each pose, […]

Bulletproof coffee – check if you’re doing it right!

Bulletproof coffee – check if you’re doing it right!

Bulletproof coffee is a morning beverage which, thanks to its contents, should supply us with a bunch of positive effects, such as morning energy, increased concentration and brain function, as well as settling our hunger for a few hours. What is bulletproof coffee?What does bulletproof coffee contain?Benefits of bulletproof coffeeHow […]

Vitamins, their bioavailability and changes during storage, baking and boiling

Vitamins, their bioavailability and changes during storage, baking and boiling

In connection to storing various products (temperature, pH, access to light, etc.) and their technological treatment (baking, boiling etc.), the content of vitamins in these products changes. What also changes is their bioavailability due to chemical alterations of compounds contained in a given product. In this post, I will present […]

ABC of Back Pain

ABC of Back Pain

Back pain is as common as a headache, in fact up to 80% of us will suffer from back pain at some time in our lives. It can stem from a number of different injuries to intervertebral discs, spinal joints or nerves and the symptoms differ with each. Moreover, if […]

Niacin horizontal word cloud. Wordcloud made with text only.

Niacin protects against Alzheimer’s disease

Niacin may protect against Alzheimer’s disease and the decline of cognitive functions caused by aging processes. Study regarding Niacin actions related to Alzheimer’s diseaseResults of the studyPathogenically low RDADoubtful role of tryptophanNiacin – nicotinic acidConclusionRead more:Source Study regarding Niacin actions related to Alzheimer’s disease In the doctor MC Morris’s report […]

Does vitamin C cure cancer?

Does vitamin C cure cancer?

Vitamin C in vitro (in test-tube) shows toxic effects against certain kinds of cancer cells, but not for healthy cells1,2,3. It stems from a bit different, more voracious metabolism of a malignant cell and is called selective cytotoxicity. A few well-known mechanisms are engaged in a potentially anticancer effect of […]

nutritional supplement of omega 3, omega 6 or omega 9 from yellow fish oil capsules on plate

Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega 7 and Omega 9 fatty acids families.

Fatty acids are regaining theirs renown right now. Previously, when myth that fat is bad, and should be forbidden in the diet was widely repeated, nobody even wanted to talk about them. But now, healthy fatty acids are one of the most used supplements, alongside multivitamin complexes and creatine. That’s […]

5 myths about strength training

5 myths about strength training

By using strength trainings, we have certainly repeatedly encountered a variety of theories on how to achieve the desired results in the fastest and most effective way. Many of these opinions, although they have no scientific justification and are erroneous, enter the colloquial knowledge. Today, we’ll be focusing on the […]

Cigarettes close-up on a black background, cigarette smoke, a target. Creative background. The concept of smoking kills, nicatine poisons, cancer from smoking, stop smoking. Copy space.

Smoking withdrawal and weight gain

When you quit smoking you immediately gain weight back. Why? You are trying to be healthy and instead of being rewarded, you are punished with a few extra kilos. In today’s blog I will talk about this interesting, yet annoying phenomenon and pass on some tips on how to prevent […]

Supplementation in depression

Supplementation in depression

An important element of antidepressant therapy may be appropriate supplementation, because we are not always able to supplement the necessary vitamins, minerals, building compounds, or those with the nature of cofactors of certain reactions, through the diet. The more so because depression is associated with decreased appetite. Choosing the right […]

Curcumin. Super spice…?

Curcumin. Super spice…?

What is curcumin?Health BenefitsBioavailability, absorption and metabolism of curcuminCurrent use and clinical trialsReferences: What is curcumin? Curcumin is the pigment found in the spice turmeric which gives it the yellow colour. Approximately 2% of turmeric is curcumin, and it is not readily consumed unless turmeric is added to the diet […]

Pre or post work out? Getting the most out of protein for weight loss

Pre or post work out? Getting the most out of protein for weight loss

What is protein and why should we ingest it? Chemically, protein is composed of amino acids, which are organic compounds made of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen or sulfur. There are twenty amino acids in total, used to develop and maintain just about every part of the body, from our skin […]

Running can destroy your joints! How to run healthy?

Running can destroy your joints! How to run healthy?

The turn of winter and spring is the best time to start running. Both professionals and amateurs start the season. Remember, however, that a bad running technique, instead of improving health, can really hurt our joints. Before we start training, let’s also take care of appropriate strengthening of the body, […]