Healthy Lifestyle

Stretching- Good or Bad?

Stretching- Good or Bad?

Tissue quality is paramount when it comes to building a strong, healthy body. The body seeks structural balance, and the quicker you accept this and adjust your programming, the more successful your lifting career will be. This means making time for some of the stuff we all hate, namely pre-hab […]

Single Leg workout

Single Leg workout

Let’s focus on the biggest reason that single-leg training can help you achieve your goals, whether strength or physique focused. It all comes down to stability. How many people can squat more than leg press? Even if you can squat 200 kg, I’ll bet you can lie down on any […]

Master the Muscle-Up

Master the Muscle-Up

The muscle-up is an upper body exercise that requires both pulling and pushing power and phenomenal core strength to boot. Those unfamiliar with the move say it’s just a pull-up combined with a dip, but a muscle-up is much more than that. It’s an unparalleled assault to the upper body, […]

Menopause: Natural ways to tackle both the symptoms and the long term effects of reduced oestrogen in the body

Menopause: Natural ways to tackle both the symptoms and the long term effects of reduced oestrogen in the body

The menopause is a natural biological event that all women go through usually in their 40s or 50s. As women age, their fertility decreases until it eventually stops. This process is an actual biological process that mainly concerns changes in levels of certain hormones, particularly oestrogen. Oestrogen is mainly produced […]

#5 Supplements review – Apollos Hegemony Bifido Forte

#5 Supplements review – Apollos Hegemony Bifido Forte

Nowadays, probiotic bacteria are gaining recognition in social circles, mainly by reducing many gastrointestinal ailments or their symptoms. Probiotic strains of the genus Bifidobacterium are highly valued . Products consisting of several strains are preferred, thanks to which they exhibit synergistic effects. Probiotic tests – resultsComment on the results Probiotic […]

Laxogenin – natural steroid?

Laxogenin – natural steroid?

Laxogenin is a compound of plant origin, exactly called 5-alpha-hydroxylaxogenine. It belongs to the group of brassinosteroids. The main task fulfilled by laxogenin is to support lipolysis and acting as a strong anabolic agent. Although little known today, it is enjoying ever-increasing popularity, it has very similar properties to anabolic-androgenic […]

The best breakfast

The best breakfast

It is said to be the most important meal of the day, and that skipping it could lead to weight gain but is this really true? And if it is the most important meal of the day, what is then the best breakfast meal? Let’s dive straight into it! Breakfast […]

Optimal protein supply

Optimal protein supply

Protein is the most controversial ingredient in bodybuilding sports. How much to eat it on the mass? Should you eat more meat during the reduction of body fat? Are plant products worth noting? Let’s deal with the topic highly prone to broscience! How much protein to gain mass?How much protein […]

Do pre-workouts work?

Do pre-workouts work?

Pre-workout supplements are one of the most frequently purchased by athletes. Often the divine qualities of maximizing exercise capacity are often attributed to them. Often, it happens to such bizarre situations that sports enthusiasts say that the training taken without a specific kick in front of him was not good […]

Kiwi is the superfood?!

Kiwi is the superfood?!

Today’s text will be focusing on the interesting subject of super-foods. In previous articles we have already mentioned that we often look for rare, foreign fruits and vegetables, we focus only on the new, “innovative” products on the market with (susceptible) miraculous properties, forgetting the easily accessible and slightly neglected […]

Training Frequency for Gains

Training Frequency for Gains

Some people at my gym train a muscle group several times per week, while others train a muscle group only one time per week. Both the lifters who train a muscle group one time per week and multiple times per week claim that their training program is best for muscle […]

Stubborn muscle what to do with them?

Stubborn muscle what to do with them?

Generally, when lifters ask about something like that, they’re more specific about it – for example, inquiring about certain exercises, set-rep patterns and pre- and post workout meals. You need to consider several factors when you want to bring up a weak muscle group and build new muscle in general. […]

How to control your body fat?

How to control your body fat?

Everyone has some body fat. Healthy levels of body fat actually improve a person’s health and appearance, but excess fat tends to increase the risk of poor health and is generally viewed as unattractive in most cultures. Excess fat accumulates in different areas from person to person, though some generalities […]

Mastering Your Deadlift

Mastering Your Deadlift

Many people consider the deadlift as an ultimate showcase of overall strength. The entire body has to work in unison to accomplish the task. You can find a lot of information about deadlift in social media or many other websites. I would like to shear with you my thoughts to help you finally achieve deadlifting perfection. SetupNeck […]

Grow with Volume Ladder

Grow with Volume Ladder

Every skinny guy in the gym want to get huge but their body has other ideas. Understanding this means muscle growth must be forced. Remember how gains came so easy when you first started training but eventually slowed down or became non-existent? Strength training must change regularly to force adaptation, […]