How to prepare for going to the mountains?

How to prepare for a trip to the mountains? Read our guide and don’t get caught, if sudden rain meets you or you get lost - it is worth knowing what to do. You should check the weather and do not go on trips when it is going to snow heavily. We also recommend to buy out insurance. But even without it, we should ensure ourselves, with proper preparation for a stay in the mountains.

    How to prepare for a trip to the mountains?

    We can’t go to the mountains packed like for a seaside resort. It is worth doing some research. Let’s pack some comfortable trekking shoes protecting the ankles. Then pack a warm windproof jacket and warm, preferably thermoactive pants. Let’s not forget about thermal underwear for athletes. If you spend the night in a resort or hostel, you should also have a smaller backpack for more handy things. Let’s pack a thermos, and when we sleep in the mountains, do not forget about the tent, sleeping pad, sleeping bag, gas cylinder, burner and food supply. Let’s prepare accurate maps and pack a hat, scarf and gloves. Even if the lowlands are warm, in the mountains, it can be completely different. Weather changes drastically there too.

    Equipment for trips to the mountains

    When we go to the mountains, it’s worth to pack a map in a small backpack. It is also worth having a phone with GPS and a flashlight, which will be irreplaceable when the darkness will catch us off. Take also a thermos with warm coffee or tea. Let’s pack something to eat and remember that you mustn’t litter in the mountains! We shouldn’t leave empty packaging in the mountains. This is not only shameful, but it can attract dangerous animals to popular routes. Let’s take an iron supply of drinks. It is better to take even about 3 litres of water per person than to suffer from dehydration later. Let’s also take a small first aid kit, including bandage, gel for injuries, a supply of patches or hydrogen peroxide.

    List of necessary things

    Before you go on a mountain trip, make a list of things and addresses that are necessary in the case of an accident. Find out where to look for help. Save the numbers for the Mountain Volunteer Emergency Service on your phone. Look also for where the active shelters are located. Let’s also check the weather. When it’s fogging or raining – you should highly consider if you really want to go out. If yes, you have to be especially careful. However, when there is a degree of avalanche danger, do not go on the trail.

    Trip planning

    Nothing secures like the certainty that we know where we are going. Regardless of whether it is a marked trail, or maybe a wild trip in a mountain forest, let’s plan a route carefully. We will not panic when we suddenly deviate from it because we will be able to come back. Let’s locate characteristic landmarks, primarily the peaks of other mountains. Let’s watch the changing conditions. If we have doubts about whether we are going in the right direction, we should often look at the maps.

    Fitness for going to the mountains

    If you are planning a trip to the mountains in the near future, start some physical activity. Running, swimming, cardio and weight training will help us move more swiftly in the mountains. Thanks to this, long climbing in the mountains will not be more pleasing for us. It is especially important to take care of strong legs. Our joints should be in shape, so let’s pay special attention to them during training.

    Tags: hitchhiking, mountains

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