The level of pollution in our cities is unfortunately constantly increasing. There are many reasons for this and while we should start from ourselves to start implementing environmentally-friendly behavior into our lives. Yet it is difficult to force everyone to do so, so we have to take care of our own health and protect ourselves from smog.
Smog and the body
Smog negatively affects the whole body. Particles and irritating gases that are part of it burden the respiratory system, promoting chronic inflammation of the mucous membranes and bronchi, reduce gas exchange in the lungs, causing hypoxia, and increased the work of the circulatory system. Polluted air also impairs the defensive functions of the respiratory system, facilitates the entry of bacteria and viruses, prolongs the treatment of infections, and increases the risk of developing allergies and asthma. The body naturally tries to protect itself against smog by producing increased amounts of mucus in the respiratory tract and causing coughing, but this mechanism is insufficient, especially in defense against irritant gases.

Smoke masks
The best way to protect against smog is with anti-smog masks with special filters that stop even small pollution particles. Their specially designed filters are very good at cleaning the air we breathe in, but they need to be replaced periodically to maintain maximum effectiveness. Nevertheless, it is still the most effective way of protection against smog and everyone should buy such a mask if they are worried about extensive air pollution. Unfortunately, we also breathe smog in our homes and other rooms, and it is difficult to wear a mask 24 hours a day and not everyone can afford an air purifier, so it is worth taking care to mitigate the health effects it causes.
A healthy diet
The basis will be a healthy diet, based primarily on fruits and vegetables, which provide antioxidants and vitamins. They alleviate inflammation, support the body's natural immunity and help fight pathogens. A diet component that should not be forgotten is fatty fishes, which contain a significant amount of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for building the body's immunity, and also have a positive effect on the circulatory system burdened during smog and soothe inflammation. An important advantage of fish is also the content of vitamin D3, which is extremely important for the proper functioning of impaired immunity.
It is often difficult to provide adequate amounts of antioxidants. In times of the greatest smog, supplements such as curcumin, resveratrol, green tea extracts, or vitamin C come to our aid. Taking them does not exempt us from a varied and healthy diet, but it makes the process of adapting to unfavorable conditions much easier. Vitamin D3 deficiency is widely spoken about, and also insufficient intake of omega-3 fatty acids is gaining more and more attention. Every person, and those exposed to smog, in particular, should take care of supplementation with vitamin D supplements, and because of the low intake of fish and insufficient use of unsaturated fatty acids, also with omega-3 acids.