“Ice cold diet” – how to eat ice-creams and lose weight?

Ice cream is the most pleasant diet for people who love ice cream. Pleasant sweet taste in dishes that does not affect your figure? How is it that you can eat ice cream when sweets harm? The whole secret is hidden in calcium, which is very much in ice cream. This element affects rapid metabolism and fat burning. On average, each of us eats about 600mg of calcium, where its minimum demand is about 1300mg of calcium. What should the ice diet look like? Is it as good as it is said about it?

    Ice diet

    Ice cream, thanks to a large amount of calcium, positively affects the metabolism. It helps a lot in fighting fat.

    The ice diet provides the body with a daily dose of calcium, which regulates the work of the center of hunger and satiety. Thanks to this, the body begins to burn more fat. The ice cream is sweet and full, and contains vitamins B, A, D and E and C.

    The ice diet is light, low-fat. It is rich in sweet ice cream, which have a positive effect on the body as well as the psyche.

    For physically active people who want to use the ice diet, we recommend the use of high quality milk ice cream. This will allow them not only to satisfy appetite for cold and sweet, but also to provide the right amount of calcium and amino acids to the body.

    The principles of the ice diet

    It has been assumed that the ice diet is based on the consumption of meals whose calorie is on the level

    • 1500 kcal for women,
    • 2000 kcal for men.

    It is important to watch the calorific value. Lack of appropriate amount of calories can cause, among others yo-yo effect and hunger pangs. Sometimes it is recommended to cross the limits of calorific value, due to the stimulation of metabolism. Additionally, it is important to include physical activity 2 or 3 times a week, for example in the form of gym or fitness exercises.

    The assumptions of the ice diet are saying that  

    • you should consume 4 meals a day that provide the entire calorific pool;
    • one meal is ice cream without chocolate additions;
    • portion of ice cream in the dish should not exceed 250 kcal.

    Effects of the ice diet  

    Using the ice diet during the year you can lose weight up to 15 kg. By combining the diet with the physical activity effect, this effect can be obtained much faster. How do you do it by eating ice cream? Studies show that by using a calcium-rich ice diet in a natural form, you can lose up to 60% more effectively, compared to a nutrition plan with less calcium. An ice-cream diet is not just the effect of less kilos. It reduces the risk of diseases, i.e. osteoporosis, kidney stones, and gastrointestinal cancers. In addition, the ice diet

    • speeds up the metabolism,
    • strengthens bones,
    • improves the body's resistance,
    • reduces menstrual discomfort.

    An example menu of the ice diet  


    • The first meal in the ice diet is quite traditional. It could be
    • Graham bread roll with lean cottage cheese,
    • A glass of milk,
    • A glass of fruit salad.


    • Lunch in the ice diet is also a standard meal. In this case, they can check
    • 2 medium patties with mushrooms,
    • A glass of red borscht.
    • Tea

    Afternoon tea is a great time to include ice cream in your diet. In this case, the perfect proposal can be  ice shake with peaches.


    • Dinner is again a return to nutritional standards.
    • Cucumber soup.
    • Grilled chicken, half a glass of rice and a Greek salad.

    Ice diet and training  

    The influence of the ice diet on the body of training people is still being studied. Preliminary research shows that eating ice cream after physical exercise is not recommended. Physical effort enhances fat burning. By consuming ice cream, we neutralize this effect.

    After physical activity, the body uses energy to lower body temperature.

    Eating ice cream after training will lower the body temperature, which will definitely reduce the benefits of physical exercise.

    In turn, ice cream eaten before training, allow a longer and heavier effort.

    Tags: cream, diet, ice

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