Insomnia is one of the diseases of civilisation in the 21st century. We have statistically more stressful situations during the day than our ancestors, we live in a constant hurry and work in different shifts - all this is not conducive to a regular daily routine that would facilitate rapid sleep and long, valuable sleep.
Insomnia in the modern world
This disease or disorder is not what it used to be today. It is not only a total inability to fall asleep, but also problems with falling asleep, frequent waking up at night, very shallow sleep. Theoretically, the body needs 7 hours of sleep a day, but more important than the rigidly stated figure is how many hours of sleep we actually need in order to feel good the next day. A sleepy person is unable to concentrate, is nervous, unpleasant - in the long run, insomnia is very exhausting for the person suffering from it and for his or her surroundings and requires consultation with a doctor.

But what can we do ourselves to make it easier for us to fall asleep and improve our sleep? It is up to us, and not to the stressful everyday situations or natural predispositions to sleep problems or the lack thereof, to ensure that we sleep properly.
I can't sleep! What to do?
If you want to ensure proper sleep hygiene and avoid falling asleep problems, try to follow the following guidelines
A healthy diet
Your diet affects your sleep. Excess food or stimulating drinks (strong tea or coffee) are unlikely to make you sleep better. Remember to eat your last meal 2-3 hours before going to bed.
Physical effort
It is easier for a physically tired body to fall asleep, so think about introducing some kind of sport into your life for good. A one-off effort will not change anything here, but just a few decent walks, swimming pool visits or cycling during the week should make it easier to fall asleep.
Ventilation of the bedroom
If, exceptionally, you can't afford any outdoor activities and oxygenation - at least oxygenate your bedroom. At least half an hour of airing should make it easier for you to sleep.
Regularity of sleep
Try to sleep and get up at about the same time. Avoid sleeping during the day. Your body will surely appreciate such an orderly lifestyle and the evening time will then be associated with sleep and rest, especially if you turn off the TV or game for a while before bed and instead lie down, meditate, listen to relaxing music or read a book (preferably not very sensational).
Natural supporters and opponents
Not only is coffee not recommended for the night. Nicotine and thein also have stimulating properties. Hops, melissa, saffron and hops are also relaxing and restoring substances. A glass of warm milk works well on some people too.
Relaxing bath
It is worth taking a relaxing bath before bedtime. Lavender oil or cosmetics with this aroma have a calming effect and should be used before going to bed.
But if the dream is still not coming up.... it is worth trying melatonin, a substance recommended especially for those who often change time zones. Melatonin is available without a prescription.

When everything fails!
However, if neither it nor relaxing baths help, and sheeps jumping over the fence do not help, consult your doctor. Insomnia is a disease and you can try to fight it with optimism.