Lingonberry in the phytotherapy of the urinary system

Do you have the disturbing impression that your urinary system is not working perfectly? Are you wondering how you can support his work? The most advantageous and safest way to help yourself is to use preparations with plant extracts that have a beneficial effect on the urinary system. Confirmed effectiveness in supporting the work of the urinary system and guarantee of safety is certainly the features of Lingonberry.

    What is phytotherapy

    Phytotherapy is a form of therapy using mainly herbs (products of plant origin). Phytotherapy is also the production of herbal medicines from plants with proven medicinal properties. It seems that natural products should not harm health, but is it always the case? Due to the fact that plant extracts are characterized by a specific effect on the human body, they require conducting numerous tests (similar to medications). First of all, a given plant product should have proven therapeutic efficacy, based on a specific mechanism of action. In addition, it must be subjected to tests that take into account its metabolic processes in the body, possible side effects, including toxic ones.

    The most common complaints of the urinary tract are infections, inflammation of the organs, as well as kidney stones. Due to differences in the structure of the urinary system, usually, women have more frequent urinary tract complaints. The main difference in the structure of the urinary systems of men and women is the length of the urethra. Women have a much shorter urethra, which in turn facilitates the penetration of bacteria into the bladder.

    However, it should not be forgotten that men also suffer from various ailments of the urinary system, in which prostate health is not without significance. Prostate hyperplasia, as well as the presence of stones in the kidneys, makes it difficult for the free flow of urine from the bladder to the urethra. Too long stagnation of urine creates a friendly environment for bacterial growth. Like all infectious diseases, urinary tract infections develop faster if we have weakened immunity. Urinary tract infections often affect people with diabetes as well as people with faulty urinary tract structure.

    Lingonberry – properties and benefits

    Lingonberry (Vaccinium vitis idaea) also known as blueberry, is a plant that we have certainly seen more than once. Occurs in the form of low shrubs, with numerous red fruits, gathered in bunches.

    Lingonberry fruits
    Lingonberry fruits

    Both fruit and lingonberry leaves are used in medicine. Fruits are used for dietary purposes. The addition of lingonberry fruit (in the natural or processed form) improves food digestion. The leaves, however, due to the content of numerous compounds with therapeutic effects (including mainly glycosides, organic acids, tannins, anthocyanins and vitamins) are used in the treatment of urinary tract diseases.

    Lingonberry leaf extract is characterized by diuretic, antiseptic (disinfecting), anti-inflammatory, astringent and anti-diarrhoea effects. The diuretic and disinfecting effect is particularly important in the treatment of urinary tract ailments, especially in kidney stones, and inflammation of the urinary tract, including in cystitis. The beneficial effects of lingonberry leaves are often used to treat painful urination. However, lingonberry leaf extract should not be used continuously, as one of the ingredients contained in it (hydroquinone) may irritate the kidneys.

    It is known that the most common ailment of the urinary system is kidney stones, and more specifically oxalate stones. Usually, it is the presence of stones in the kidneys that makes us try to rinse or dissolve them. For oxalate kidney stones, cranberry is not recommended. However, it is recommended to use extracts from lingonberry leaves.

    In the case of urinary tract infections, both lingonberry and cranberry may be used because of their anti-inflammatory and disinfecting effects.

    Remember that lingonberry leaf extract can be used to treat diarrhoea. On the other hand, the blueberry fruit extract has a positive effect on food digestion and thus regulation of the digestive system.

    Which preparation with lingonberry to choose?

    It is best to choose a preparation that, in addition to the extract of lingonberry leaves, also contains other ingredients that have a beneficial effect on the urinary tract. What additional ingredients are you looking for? Among other things, extracts from such plant raw materials as parsley root, birch leaf, bean paraffin and chamomile herb. Alkaline substances (e.g. potassium citrate or sodium citrate) are also important.

    Parsley extract increases the amount of urine secreted, by stimulating glomerular filtration and inhibiting urinary resorption. In addition, it works diastolic, thus facilitating the free passage of urine. Characteristic for parsley is also carminative and antiseptic actions.

    Birch leaf extract is not only diuretic but also diaphoretic, anti-rheumatic, detoxifying and of improving metabolism properties.

    Tags: lingonberry, phytotherapy

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