Mouth injuries – where do they come from and how to treat them?

Wounds from the braces, abrasions from dentures, burns - these are injuries within the oral cavity, which, although minor, are painful and effectively impede eating and drinking. How do you that nasty alleviate oral discomfort?

    Mouth anatomy

    The mucosa covering the inside of the mouth is very delicate and susceptible to injury. Small injuries occur to everyone, just by accidentally biting your cheek or pulling too hard with dental floss. Injuries in the mouth are almost everyday life for people wearing braces and dental prostheses. The resulting wounds, although not very extensive, are painful and often heal difficult due to frequent injuries.

    Mouth injuries affect not only the inside of the cheeks but also the tongue, palate, gums and bottom of the mouth. Abrasions and minor wounds result in the appearance of pain, sometimes bleeding. Bacteria get into the damaged tissue from inside the mouth, usually, after a short time inflammation, swelling and redness develop.

    The rate of wound healing in the oral cavity is influenced by age - damage is scarred much faster in young people, in older people it usually lasts longer.

    To help and accelerate the treatment of injuries within the mouth, you can reach for preparations from a pharmacy available without a prescription for ailments within the mouth. Abrasions and other minor injuries are primarily symptomatic. There are medications available for oral injuries that also have analgesic, anti-inflammatory, astringent and antibacterial effects that also support wound healing. Preparations of this type, on the one hand, relieve pain and calm inflammation, and on the other - isolate the damaged part of the mouth from the environment.

    Ailments resulting from even minor damage to the mucosa are bothersome and hinder ordinary activities such as eating food. The rule that to prevent is better than to cure also works in this case. Particular caution in this matter should be shown by people with hypersensitivity of teeth and gums, diabetics, people with orthodontic appliances and those wearing dentures. Remember that susceptibility to oral damage increases during colds and when immunity decreases. The risk group also includes people with gastric hyperacidity and gastroesophageal reflux disease.

    So how do you prevent mouth issues?

    Minor injuries within the mouth are a common ailment. Despite their small size, they are troublesome, painful and often difficult to heal. In such cases, it is worth supporting the treatment with herbal preparations, which alleviate the symptoms and contribute to faster wound healing.

    Tags: mouth, mouth injury, mouth ulcer

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