Controlled Labs continues to surprise its fans with good, high-quality supplements. This time they introduced an interesting formula that supports fat loss. This product is called Red Light , but it is far from a typical slimming supplement containing a combination of ingredients typical for this product category.
Red Light - what exactly is it?
Red Light is a fat burner with the addition of substances that support the production of testosterone and a mixture that improves digestion. It's a kind of all -in-one formula designed to help control your appetite, metabolize carbohydrates, improve testosterone production, digestion, regulate insulin, and reduce fat.

What will we find in the lineup?
The formula behind Red Light from Controlled Labs combines three groups of ingredients, one for each category to be supported. In the case of testosterone, the product contains 75 mg horny goat weed , and for digestion is a peppermint leaf, ginger root and a handful of probiotics.
Completion of the formula of the Red Light five different substances to achieve the basic objective, support weight loss. This includes 260 mg of olive leaves 200 mg Cordia salicifolia , 150 mg theobroma (10% theobromine), 450 mg of Hibiscus sabdariffa and 175 mg of classical stimulant , caffeine.
Where and when will you be able to buy Red Light ?
The latest weight loss formula from Controlled Labs was first made available through the company's online store. As with other products on the site, Red Light has a rather high price - USD 62.99 for a 30-day treatment. Perhaps the price will decrease later. In the coming weeks, the product should reach European stores.
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