Although initially, no one expected nitric oxide to have a beneficial effect on the human body, recent studies show that its discovery has helped to understand how a specific group of diseases occur, and thus how to effectively fight or prevent them in the first place with the use of nitric oxide.
What is nitric oxide?
The effectiveness of nitric oxide is due to the fact that it is formed from a group of chemical compounds called nitrates. It is assumed that nitrates strongly improve exercise capacity, especially in people who are physically active. The intensive synthesis of nitric oxide leads to the better blood supply and oxygenation of muscles which results in muscle growth. However, it should be noted that nitric oxide can also find its opponents, as a higher blood supply in muscle fibers is extremely undesirable for people who practice martial arts or other sports requiring great physical fitness, such as strength sports.

How is a nitric oxide formed?
In short, nitric oxide is a biologically active compound produced in the body mainly as a result of the oxidation of L-Arginine, the breakdown of which leads to the formation of nitric oxide and other compounds such as citrulline. Plant foods, on the other hand, characterized by high protein content, are often foods with arginine.
It should be noted, however, that if we regularly use stimulants, in particular cigarettes, or generally lead an unhealthy lifestyle, i.e. no special diet, little physical activity, we ourselves inhibit the activity of an oxidative enzyme which breaks down L-Arginine to nitric oxide.
The best dietary sources of nitrates
Given the above, we can support nitric oxide production by enriching our daily diet with such plant products as
- lettuce
- spinach
- radish
- chard
- beet
The role of nitric oxide is not limited to improving cardiovascular function. This substance also has a number of other beneficial properties for the body, which is why it is worth stocking up on foods containing it.
Benefits of nitric oxide supplementation
Correct supplementation with NO Boosters will also be a good solution. Buying supplements that increase the production of nitric oxide NO in a positive way will help your body because nitric oxide NO is distinguished by the fact that:
It helps in treating erectile dysfunction - a condition involving the inability to achieve or maintain an erection strong enough to have comfortable sexual intercourse. Nitric oxide treatment in this case serves to relax the penile muscles that allow the cells inside the penis to fill with blood to achieve a full erection.
Reduces muscle soreness - because nitric oxide greatly increases blood flow to active muscles and makes it easier to return to training due to improved regeneration. And the more frequent the training, the better the results (with adequate rest, of course).
It can help control type 2 diabetes - because in people suffering from this type of disease, the synthesis of nitric oxide can be disturbed. Scientific tests have shown that when people with type 2 diabetes supplemented L-arginine, the amount of nitric oxide increased, resulting in increased levels of insulin sensitivity and ultimately better blood sugar control.
L-arginine and nitric oxide
L-arginine taken in excessive amounts i.e. more than 10 grams at once can lead to gastric problems e.g. in the stomach or cause diarrhea. Beet juice supplements consumed in excessive amounts can lead to dark red color in the urine and stool, but this side effect is not considered to be very harmful.

Nitric oxide safety
Of the more serious side effects, nitric oxide produced in excess, e.g. during septic shock, can even cause an extensive drop in blood pressure, heart failure, and decreased sensitivity to vasoactive substances. Increased nitric oxide levels can also be seen during dialysis in hypotensive patients with renal failure.