Beta-alanine belongs to ergogenic supplements. The chemical structure, BA (beta-alanine) belongs to the amino acid group, but it does not build proteins. On the other hand, it’s a precursor of carnosine, which in the human body shows a number of biological functions. The action of BA is in a specific, […]
Offal – potential disadvantages and advantages
For many people the mere sight or slogan “offal” is not associated very well. As a rule, it is not the taste of these products, but rather the mental block before eating the internal organs such as liver, heart, stomach or tongue. Why should they be included in our diet […]
How to recognize dehydration?
When in summer the temperature outside is much higher and the sun is warming up, it’s much easier to dehydrate the organism than during the other seasons. It can be particularly dangerous to exercise under such conditions if we do not take care of the body’s needs for fluids. The […]
Broccoli on an athletes table
The basis of a bodybuilding diet is chicken breasts with rice. It’s about delivering basic nutrients that promote muscle and muscle mass growth – proteins and carbohydrates. Vegetarians, of course, use veggies in their menu, mainly for the portions of essential fibre that regulates the digestive tract. Mostly, they do […]
The influence of diet on acne: fact or myth?
There is a lot of controversy around the statement that diet has influence on the appearance of our skin, including the occurrence of various pimples and acne. In general opinion, this conviction usually is considered to be true. The idea that diet influences skin is not new. As early as […]
How to speed up metabolism? Tips for metabolism boost!
Let’s make this clear: there are no miracles. We are unable to lose ten kilos overnight or lose fat during the night. Our body is able to lose unnecessary kilograms at a certain rate. But it is not too bad – we are able to do really much to make […]
Gluten, a word that won’t let some people sleep at night, and others will read all the available labels. Apparently causes problems with the stomach, lack of health and overweight. All over the world, people are going crazy over gluten-free products and avoiding wheat. But…g does gluten really hurt our […]
Lunch meats in a diet – is it necessary to eliminate them?
Everyone who knows basic dietary rules realizes that increased supply of protein is a fundament for building muscles, their protection and better regeneration. Therefore, one could conclude without any doubt, that it is one of the first steps in changing our eating habits. Many people introduces to their diets simple […]
Casein – effects, dosage, side effects
Casein is the most popular type of protein supplement alongside whey. It has strong anti-catabolic properties that inhibit the breakdown of muscle mass. An important advantage of casein is its long digestion, which causes the body to be supplied with adequate doses of amino acids for many hours, which is […]
Rapeseed Oil – Good or bad? 4 myths about rapeseed oil.
Everyone always said that rapeseed oil is bad. True? Since the very beginning, rapeseed lost the battle for a place on the dietary shelves – instead, we can find olive oil or coconut oil there. But did we rightly turn our backs on it? Or, on the contrary – should […]
What to drink during workout? Hydration rules during exercise.
What to drink during workout – mineral water or maybe isotonic drink? Should we start hydrating during exercise or a few hours before? What should runners drink during training and what people training at the gym? Get to know the answers to the most frequently asked questions regarding hydration during […]
The morning struggle, Fasted or Fed?
Morning workouts are the best and the worst. Worst because you have to pull yourself together at an unearthly hour but the best because once you completed the workout, you are ready to get on with the rest of day without having to worry about hitting the gym later. A […]
Vitamin K – what is it and why is it important?
Vitamin K is rarely talked about. Most of us know or have heard about vitamins A, B group, C, D and E, but vitamin K does not get that much press. Why is that?? Vitamin K is important mainly for blood clotting, bone formation, as well as for fighting infections […]
Gainers: when to use them? Effects and dosage of gainers
Gainers are a special type of nutrient that contains about 80% carbohydrates and only 10-20% protein. The high prevalence of sugars over proteins makes gainers a good source of energy in the diet of strength trainers. The use of this type of nutrient has its drawbacks – they are not […]
Diet and other factors affecting skin condition
Skin, although it feels delicate and sensitive, has a very responsible function in our body. Its main tasks include, first of all, protection from external factors – mechanical, biological and chemical. It is also the first barrier for bacteria trying to reach us from the outside and the secretory properties […]
Lyme disease
Tick-borne diseases are gaining popularity in recent times; the awareness of people in the matter of examining themselves and controlling their own health is also growing. Hence, such a large number of people who are diagnosed with Lyme disease – at different stages of course. Lyme disease – originIn the […]
Constantly on antibiotics? Try vitamin D for immunity boositng!
Do you constantly suffer from colds? Does persistent cough bother you, especially when you lay in bed trying to sleep? Do you take a ton of antibiotics, and the contents of your drawer looks like the pharmaceutical magazine? According to swedish immunologists, supplementation with vitamin D increases the body’s immunity. […]
Quick ways to improve regeneration
Strength, interval and aerobic exercise has different effects on athletes. In addition to that, the results of exercise mostly depends on the intensity of work, length of the session (volume), frequency of workout, an individual person’s condition, their age, hormonal profile etc. However, you can also define the general guidelines […]
Diet – key to success
Many people, especially beginners, are wondering what the basis and the key to being healthy are, as well as shaping the figure. How to combine these two goals? Undoubtedly, the basis for our figure to look aesthetically, especially during the holidays, is the right strength training and change to our […]
The most important tips concerning building muscle mass
Is it hard for you to gain mass? Do you constantly have problems with pushing your weight up? Don’t you see the effects of your hard trainings at the gym, even though you do your best and your diet is under control? The content of the below article will undoubtedly […]
Does running on an empty stomach make sense?
Many people going through a reduction diet put running, or other form of cardio exercise, into their schedule, and it’s usually performed on an empty stomach. According to a circulating opinion, this contributes to the efficient burning of excess fat. Allegedly to a much greater extent than in the case […]
Getting the right balance of amino acids for muscle growth
While we strive to get more protein to build muscle, we often turn to protein powders and BCAAs (branched-chain amino acids). Do we really need these supplements, should we also be considering the types of protein we are eating, and is more actually better? The top 3 amino acids for […]
Protein, protein, how much should we consume per day?
Protein is an important part of any healthy and balanced diet. It’s an essential ingredient for the growth and regeneration of all types of body tissues, including muscles, organs, and the immune system. It helps in digestion, stimulates hair and nails to grow, regulates blood coagulation and transports nutrients and […]
Supplementation for people beginning their adventure with bodybuilding
Many beginners ask themselves a question whether they should reach for any supplements already at the beginning of their adventure with strength training. When they finally make a decision, they have doubts, which supplement to choose, what will be appropriate for them and what will be a redundant additive, which […]
Can vitamin D lift the winter blues?
It’s no surprise that gloomy dark days and lack of sunshine may put us in a low mood, but for some this can develop further into Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). Considered to be a form of depression, SAD may also be associated with anxiety and fatigue. Vitamin D and depressionAre […]
Hormonal changes related to age
Hormones – who doesn’t have some problems with them? The thing is, that with increasing life span, there can be still many more problems with appropriate hormonal balance. Why does our body doesn’t want to cooperate with us in that matter? Check our today’s article to know why! Approach of […]
Should we eat during training?
A lot of attention is paid to what we should eat before and after training. There is also a lot of discussion around the topic of proper hydration during training. Less is being said about eating during physical effort. Should we eat during training? Should you eat during training?Why providing […]
White or red – which meat to choose?
Today, there is no doubt that you can properly balance your diet and take care of your health and shape without having to eat meat. As a rule, however, this is not the most optimal and most beneficial solution – especially when it comes to athletes, both professional and amateur. […]
Curcumin: Muscles larger by 50%
Curcumin has gained fame as a means of broad health benefits. Since the state of our muscles, as some time ago, has been mapped to the general state of health, therefore the scientists have not overlooked the muscle tissue in their research on curcumin. By the end of May 2015, […]
Raw honey
Honey, the stuff that bees make in their hives, is harvested, then processed for sale and ends up in your tea. Did you know that it is actually healthier eaten raw? Fresh from the hive? Let me convince you to try raw honey instead of regular honey. What is honey? […]
Salt, harmful or not?
Salt is the most infamous seasoning in the world. Recommendations such as “limit the salt intake” or “avoid salt” are common and commonly accepted. Some people even came up with the “salt phobia” and will not add salt even to the blandest tasting meal. Salt guidelines. How much salt shoudl […]
What really causes kidney stones and why vitamin C does not?
Swedish research, the results of which were published in JAMA Internal Medicine in March 2013 proved the relationship between forming kidney stones and vitamin C supplementation. More than 23.000 Swedish men took part in the study, who were observed for the period of 11 years. Among 2% of these men […]
Bulletproof coffee – check if you’re doing it right!
Bulletproof coffee is a morning beverage which, thanks to its contents, should supply us with a bunch of positive effects, such as morning energy, increased concentration and brain function, as well as settling our hunger for a few hours. What is bulletproof coffee?What does bulletproof coffee contain?Benefits of bulletproof coffeeHow […]
Habits that make losing weight harder
The closer we are to warm days, the more people wake up from winter sleep and say that you have to take care of yourself, reduce a little waist circumference – maybe start diet, or get some movement … We are going to change the diet, reduce calories, sweets. Initially […]
Vitamin C lowers the level of cortisol – the stress hormone
As early as in the year 1999, during the meeting of the American Chemical Society it was said that vitamin C lowers the level of cortisol, while discussing the research carried out on rats and speculating that a similar influence may also be visible on humans. Vitamin C and cortisol […]
Starting with building mass or losing weight?
“I will change my life tomorrow!”, “From tomorrow, I will start exercising and eating healthy”, “I will start taking care of myself and my figure from tomorrow”, “what should I start with? Increasing muscle mass, or maybe losing weight? “I will change my life tomorrow!”, “From tomorrow, I will start […]
Broccoli and cauliflower support the growth and regeneration of muscles
Cruciferous vegetables of the Brassica group, which broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage are a part of, contain a significant amount of secondary metabolites: the glucosinolate and myrosinase enzyme. In the process of shredding or later chewing the vegetables, glucosinolates are transformed into isothiocyanates, such as sulforaphane. Sulforaphane protects against cancerEffect on […]
Vitamins, their bioavailability and changes during storage, baking and boiling
In connection to storing various products (temperature, pH, access to light, etc.) and their technological treatment (baking, boiling etc.), the content of vitamins in these products changes. What also changes is their bioavailability due to chemical alterations of compounds contained in a given product. In this post, I will present […]
When to take probiotics?
Answering the question whether it is better to take probiotics before, after or during the meals is not as easy as it may seem. It is visible for example in the descriptions on the probiotics’ packages. Certain producers declare that probiotics should be swallowed during the meals, other claim that […]
Niacin protects against Alzheimer’s disease
Niacin may protect against Alzheimer’s disease and the decline of cognitive functions caused by aging processes. Study regarding Niacin actions related to Alzheimer’s diseaseResults of the studyPathogenically low RDADoubtful role of tryptophanNiacin – nicotinic acidConclusionRead more:Source Study regarding Niacin actions related to Alzheimer’s disease In the doctor MC Morris’s report […]
How to measure body fat levels?
When we want to lose weight, we most often focus on the numbers on the scales. Meanwhile, weight loss is not always related to the decrease of fatty tissue in our organism and this is what we should care about most. It is thus worth focusing not only on controlling […]
Slimming additions to the diet
There are tons of products that are not only tasty but they will also help you lose weight. Here are 4 additions to enrich your meals. Are you torturing yourself with miracle diets? Nothing is further from wrong! Every dietitian will tell you that a healthier and more effective idea […]
Shilajit – king of the mountain
An old Himalayan substance called Shilajit has been used for centuries by the ancient Indians. Should you start including it into your diet? Today you will read all about it. What is Shilajit? And what are the benefits? The name Shilajit comes from the Sanskrit ‘Shilajatu’ which means ‘Rock-tar’. Not […]
SIBO – Diagnosis and treatment. A beginner’s guide
The topic of SIBO, or bacterial overgrowth syndrome in the small intestine, is more and more widely present in both medical literature and available for all Internet sources. According to research, SIBO is responsible for even over 80% of diagnoses of irritable bowel syndrome. There are many myths around it […]
Vitamin D3: Function in the body, deficiency and health outcomes
The recommended form of vitamin D for the body is vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol). It is a fat soluble vitamin meaning that it can pass through cell membranes quite easily, and to optimise bioavailability should be consumed with some type of fat or oil. However most of our bodily vitamin D3 […]
Low-Carb Diets
Low carb diet is first thing about which we thing, when we want to lose weight. Currently, we know that it’s not the one and only way of losing weight, however limiting carbohydrates intake (especially simple sugars) can be very beneficial and speed up process of losing weight and fat. […]
Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega 7 and Omega 9 fatty acids families.
Fatty acids are regaining theirs renown right now. Previously, when myth that fat is bad, and should be forbidden in the diet was widely repeated, nobody even wanted to talk about them. But now, healthy fatty acids are one of the most used supplements, alongside multivitamin complexes and creatine. That’s […]
Smoking withdrawal and weight gain
When you quit smoking you immediately gain weight back. Why? You are trying to be healthy and instead of being rewarded, you are punished with a few extra kilos. In today’s blog I will talk about this interesting, yet annoying phenomenon and pass on some tips on how to prevent […]
How to organise meals for work and school
Keeping a healthy and balanced diet is not so easy at the beginning (or cheap), but with time you can get into a rhythm, organise everything and it can work out well. It’s important to want to do it. It’s worse if you’re a student, especially if you don’t have […]
Curcumin. Super spice…?
What is curcumin?Health BenefitsBioavailability, absorption and metabolism of curcuminCurrent use and clinical trialsReferences: What is curcumin? Curcumin is the pigment found in the spice turmeric which gives it the yellow colour. Approximately 2% of turmeric is curcumin, and it is not readily consumed unless turmeric is added to the diet […]