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Berberine: A natural antidepressant

Berberine: A natural antidepressant

Berberine, as we can hear in its name, is the main active ingredient of ornamental and medicinal berberis. The berberine is rich in the roots and bark of this plant, and because it is an alkaloid with antibiotic properties, it has long been used to treat these two herbal raw […]

Caffeine increases the effectiveness of oxandrolone ?

Caffeine increases the effectiveness of oxandrolone ?

Once (in the 1980s), caffeine abuse by athletes was illegal. The situation changed in 2004 – caffeine stopped being placed on the list of banned substances. According to the WADA regulation of 2019, the use of caffeine Bupropion, caffeine, nicotine, phenylephrine, phenylpropanolamine, pipradrol and synephrine is quite legal, these substances […]

Glutamine – what it is, properties, effects,

Glutamine – what it is, properties, effects,

Glutamine is one of the so-called conditionally essential amino acids. Its supplementation is recommended during intensive workout load because its loss from muscles can be too high during this time, which will result in a negative effect on the functioning of the body. Glutamine supplementation accelerates regeneration and has an […]

Coconut – why you should eat it

Coconut – why you should eat it

Coconut is a fruit that grows on a tree called coconut palm found in tropical climates along the shores of seas and oceans. Interestingly, coconut fruits spread very easily. For example, after falling into the water, once the fruit reaches even the most remote land it can easily germinate on […]

The anabolic window – fact or myth

The anabolic window – fact or myth

The anabolic window is the time immediately after training when the body uses the nutrients most effectively. A meal consumed during the anabolic window ensures proper muscle regeneration and enables faster muscle growth. Muscle growthCarbohydrates after trainingWhen to eat protein after training Muscle growth Every active person who wants to […]

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