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Water retention – use those 5 methods to get rid of it

Water retention – use those 5 methods to get rid of it

The retention of water in the body can be a nasty nuisance, especially during the winter. At this time of year, the body accumulates water with increased intensity. Excess of water in the body is usually a result of insufficient hydration because the body protects itself against dehydration. Therefore, during […]

Peelings for exfoliation of the skin

Peelings for exfoliation of the skin

In everyday life, our skin has to struggle with the adverse effects of various external factors such as sun, wind and frost. Lack of proper care often leads to skin problems such as discolouration, acne and dilated pores and dryness. Therefore, in addition to daily protection with cream, lotion or […]

Ice compresses

Ice compresses

Very often we use expensive, sophisticated formulas for various ailments. Meanwhile, it turns out that help can come unexpectedly from products that cost nothing and are nearly always by your hands. This is the case with ice packs. Ice compresses act locallyCold compresses are used forSummary The beneficial properties of […]

Clove power

Clove power

The carnations, which we use mainly in winter for cakes and pickles, actually come from hot tropical countries. The dried flower buds of cloves are not only an exceptionally aromatic spice but also an ingredient of many medicines. Inconspicuous in appearance and very intense in taste and smell – cloves […]

Acai berries – a purple source of health and beauty

Acai berries – a purple source of health and beauty

Acai berries are small, inconspicuous, inkjet-coloured fruits, which hide inside a true wealth of the best nutritional values. They have become a promise of health and beauty ever since they started to be known in the world. What is more, it is not just a marketing scam, but a completely […]

Golden grains protect the health

Golden grains protect the health

The small grains in which the power of protection against many serious diseases is enchanted are well known to each of you. You have certainly heard of linseed. It is one of the most easily accessible and very cheap products, so its properties are not appreciated. FlaxseedNutrients in flaxseedFlaxseed as […]

Beets – cleansing properties

Beets – cleansing properties

You want to be beautiful like Aphrodite – eat beets! It is said that the Greek goddess of love already knew their charity and she owed her beauty to the roots of this vegetable. After all, Aphrodite is a woman for whom every man has lost his head – if […]

Free radicals – what is it?

Free radicals – what is it?

If you live in constant run and stress, eat everything or anything, smoke cigarettes and often save yourself with the painkillers – be careful! You are exposed to a massive attack of free radicals. What are free radicals?Free radicals versus antioxidantsExcess of free radicals in the body – what causes […]

Insomnia – how to fight it?

Insomnia – how to fight it?

Insomnia is one of the diseases of civilisation in the 21st century. We have statistically more stressful situations during the day than our ancestors, we live in a constant hurry and work in different shifts – all this is not conducive to a regular daily routine that would facilitate rapid […]

Orange – the fruit of life

Orange – the fruit of life

Once a symbol of luxury, today a natural first aid kit is available for everyone. Orange is a real vitamin-mineral bomb. In winter and early spring, when it is particularly difficult to get fresh seasonal fruit, oranges can help us protect ourselves from the cold and add the necessary energy […]

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