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Pistachios – nutritional properties

Pistachios – nutritional properties

Pistachios are distinguished by their properties and nutritional value compared to other nuts. First of all, they are the only ones that contain carotenoids – lutein and zeaxanthin – which support the work of the eyes and reduce the risk of macular degeneration. Moreover, of all the nuts, pistachios contain […]

Pandan – properties

Pandan – properties

Pandan is a plant whose leaves have been used in Asian cuisine for years. However, thanks to its healing and nourishing properties, Pandan has also found application in medicine and cosmetics. Pandan leaves are used in Far Eastern medicine, including as a remedy for premature ejaculation. In turn, pandanus fruit […]

Avocado oil – health properties

Avocado oil – health properties

Avocado oil is one of the healthiest oils in the world and even hs an actual drug status for arthritis in France. Researches confirm other health properties of avocado oil – it positively affects eyesight and skin condition, lowers cholesterol, and prevents gum disease. It also has many uses in […]

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