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Vitamins for lactating and pregnant women

Vitamins for lactating and pregnant women

There is no doubt that an appropriate dose of vitamins will not only help us fight various diseases but will also improve and ensure proper and balanced development of our body. What are the characteristics of supplements for pregnant women?Ingredients necessary in a pregnant woman’s diet What are the characteristics […]

Cortisol – fight or flight?

Cortisol – fight or flight?

Cortisol, or hydrocortisone, is a glucocorticosteroid hormone produced in the adrenal glands, specifically through the striatal layer of the adrenal cortex. The synthesis and secretion of cortisol are under the control of corticotropin or adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), produced by the pituitary gland. In turn, the generation of ACTH is dependent […]

Creatine Myths

Creatine Myths

Creatine is one of the most popular dietary supplements. This makes it one of the most researched supplements. Even though a lot of research has been done on how creatine works, there are still many myths about its properties and safety of usage. Today we will find out what are […]

Vitamin B2

Vitamin B2

It is obvious that a well-fitted and balanced diet consists not only of the right nutrients, containing of the right amounts of protein or carbohydrates. It also means that vitamins and minerals, whose presence is crucial for optimal health of our bodies. Each vitamin has some specific properties that allow […]

How to count the glycemic index of food?

How to count the glycemic index of food?

When shopping for food, we repeatedly hear about the glycemic index. Warned by nutritionists and doctors, some of us underestimate its importance, choosing products that are not necessarily healthy, but those that best satisfy our appetite. It can be hypothesized that this approach may be the result of a lack […]

Dietary supplements for children

Dietary supplements for children

In the diet of every child, there are some important nutrients that are responsible for optimal body development. Unfortunately, even a well-balanced diet can often prove to be insufficient in many important vitamins and minerals. And deficiencies of many nutrients in the body of a young person can lead to […]

Vitamin B11

Vitamin B11

Vitamins are chemical compounds, whose presence in the human body ensures and supports the proper functioning of our body. There is no doubt that a diet rich in vitamins not only positively affects the body but also helps to achieve the desired figure. It is probably not necessary to make […]

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David 562 posts

Jack Weather 180 posts

Cara Marshall 157 posts

Piotr Leniart 69 posts

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Sven Nicholson 30 posts

Kinga 24 posts