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Best Vitamin C sources

Best Vitamin C sources

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is an ever hot topic that is constantly up due to frequent news of more and more potential health properties. Many people pay attention to providing it in sufficient amounts both with food and with supplements. While supplying vitamin C with supplements makes it easy to […]

How to start losing weight?

How to start losing weight?

The decision to start losing weight often comes surprisingly easy. For some people, the critical look at the mirror is enough, for others health is the main concern, and for others simply the desire to fit into the clothes in the lower size. While the decision itself is not a […]

What to eat to improve the health of joints

What to eat to improve the health of joints

Joints, the structure that connects two bones and allows movement of our skeleton, is a component that is gradually damaged and weakened due to physical activity training and aging. Articular cartilage is a delicate tissue that covers the surface of bones, creating a smooth, elastic structure additionally moistened with joint […]

Most commonly spread myths about healthy lifestyle

Most commonly spread myths about healthy lifestyle

Aerobic training is harmful when training to increase strengthRunning with weights increases calorie burnFresh fruit is better than frozen fruit Aerobic training is harmful when training to increase strength Nothing could be further from the truth! Running does not have a negative effect on your musculature, provided that you do […]

How to eat better in 5 steps

How to eat better in 5 steps

Eating better, what does that mean? Eat less? Eat more? Eat fancy meals? The art of proper nutrition is to provide our body with all the substances it needs using a possibly moderate calorie content. It’s much better then to replace intaking 2000kcal of sweets and highly processed products with […]

Berberine – a new weapon in the fight with excessive weight

Berberine – a new weapon in the fight with excessive weight

Proper functioning of glucose metabolism in our organism is dependent mainly on the effective activity of insulin, which is influenced by such aspects as obesity, diet, drugs and lifestyle we lead. In supplementation there appeared a new weapon in the fight with insulin-resistance, the development of which leads to diabetes […]

Why magnesium is so important in daily supplementation?

Why magnesium is so important in daily supplementation?

Magnesium is the second most common micronutrient in human cells. It helps regulate the activity of over 300 enzymes and plays a role in various processes taking place in the body, including metabolism, fatty acid  and protein synthesis; muscle control, electrical impulses, energy production and elimination of toxins. Lyme diseaseMagnesium […]

Use a watch to lose weight

Use a watch to lose weight

Hunger and time A natural indicator of the need to provide the body with energy is the feeling of hunger. It has always been a need that man has tried his best to fulfill because it could determine is actually alive. How is it now? You can buy fast food […]

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David 562 posts

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