By using dietary supplements and nutrients, we remember to take vitamins - because they are beneficial to our health, about protein in the diet - without it there is no muscle, and also about taking a pre-workout portion to have a good workout.
Training is over, what's next?
Not many people at the amateur level know how to properly replenish the right nutrients after training.
Let's see what happens to our body after training.
- Your muscles have suffered from micro damage due to stress and weight training during your workout
- You have depleted glycogen stores - these are carbohydrates stored in your muscles as fuel
- A catabolic breakdown of proteins in the muscles occurs
What should you do with that?
Immediately after the workout, in the first 30-45 minutes, you should put whatever was used back into your body. Of course, you should start with hydration, preferably use a mix of water with the addition of electrolytes, which will absorb quickly.
What is worth using as post-workout regeneration supplements?
Often included in pre-training booster, beta-alanine is necessary to restore the proper pH level in the muscles. Training leads to the accumulation of lactic acid. Beta-alanine raises carnosine levels, which restores normal levels of lactic acid and helps stimulate muscle growth.

Creatine is ideal for energy recovery in muscles after training. It contributes to an increase in the production of ATP in muscle cells, so energy is then returned to the muscles to prevent further breakdown after training.

Glutamine is the key to getting fuel back in the muscles that will help you regenerate them faster. It is also an anti-catabolic substance that protects muscle proteins from breakdown.

Branched-chain amino acids, L-leucine, L-isoleucine and L-valine, contribute to the building of muscle proteins. They are an important part of post-workout supplementation. However, studies have shown that the addition of BCAA after training gives you better anabolic effects compared to taking them during training. 10g of BCAA after training can help to replenish the amino acids we had before training.

Your muscles just exhausted most of your glycogen resources so you have to deliver them back. Add about 35-40 grams of carbohydrates (depending on body type, age and metabolic capacity) to the blend of the above substances after training.

Post workout supplements - summarization
We live in very busy times and few people want to measure the number of nutrients and supplements.That is why it is worth to choose only the best one. And we are here to help you, in saving some of your precious,irrecoverable time. And that is the main reason why we have prepared list above! We hope that it will help you in your choice.
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