Rice diet – principles

The rice diet is included in the group of monocomponent cleansing diets. Its basic ingredient is brown rice. Applying a diet according to the recommendations is a great way to efficiently and quickly reduce body weight and purify the body of excess toxins. Despite its effectiveness, it is not recommended for a longer period of time - it can lead to deficiencies of important nutrients. What are the rules and effects of the rice diet? How to make tasty meals? Check in the article.  

    Rice diet  

    The rice diet is primarily aimed at removing harmful toxins from the body. Cumulative metabolites formed as a result of daily work of the body can lead to weakness, tiredness and also to impede the process of slimming. It is thanks to the cleansing rice diet

    • the body regains strength and energy,
    • metabolism is accelerated, and digestion processes are significantly improved.

    There are two types of rice diet - slimming Kempner and cleansing.

    Kempner's slimming rice diet - it's based on brown rice. The sum of caloric meals during the day should be about 1500 kcal. This type of rice diet can be used even for 3-4 weeks, because it is not too restrictive. However, it allows the consumption of products, i.e.

    • lean meat,
    • fish,
    • fruits,
    • vegetables,
    • legumes,
    • grain products.

    Cleansing rice diet - based on consuming only brown rice. Due to the high rigor, it is not recommended to use it for more than 3 days.

    • Each meal consists of roasted or boiled rice - do not add salt.
    • To enrich the taste, it is recommended to use natural herbs and spices.
    • The daily caloric dose should be about 1000 kcal.
    • When using this type of rice diet you should drink large amounts of water.

    After such treatment, another one should not start earlier than after one month.

    Rice diet - principles  

    The rice diet is governed by those principles:

    • The basis of every meal should be rice.
    • Depending on the type of rice diet, you can or should not eat other foods.
    • Drink a large amount of water
    • Use natural herbs and spices to diversify the taste of dishes.

    Rice diet - effects  

    The effects of rice diet can include

    • weight reduction,
    • cleansing the body of toxins
    • improving well-being.
    • Used with caution, the rice diet allows you to regain strength and energy. It can also help to speed up metabolism and improve the digestive process.

    Rice diet - reviews  

    A rice diet is an excellent method to cleanse the body of toxins if it does not exceed three days. The use of 5-6 such treatments in a year supports the functioning of the body.

    Unfortunately, it is based on only one component, which contributes to the deficit of some important substances in the body.

    Despite the many advantages of using brown rice, using only this product in your diet may adversely affect your health.

    It is important to prepare your body properly before starting a rice diet. Already two weeks before its application, it is necessary to introduce easily digestible meals and eliminate highly processed products.

    Advantages and disadvantages of the rice diet  

    Like every menu, the rice diet has its advantages and disadvantages.

    The benefits of rice diet  

    • It leaves a feeling of lightness by relieving the digestive system.
    • It provides a feeling of satiety during its use.
    • It leads to the improvement of well-being.
    • Cleans the body of toxins.

    Disadvantages of rice diet  

    Is rice diet a good way to lose weight?  

    The rice diet is a type of slimming diet based on low calorie.

    In people whose daily caloric value is 1000-1400 kcal, this diet may not bring satisfactory results.

    Due to the monotony of the diet and lack of providing the body with the necessary nutrients, it is not recommended to use it for a long time. The consequence of rapid weight loss using it is the high probability of the yo-yo effect.

    The rice diet should be treated more as a cleansing diet, not a slimming diet.

    The proper diet for reduction is a balanced diet tailored to the individual needs of the body.

    Rice diet - principles, effects and recipes  

    The rice diet is an excellent diet cleansing the body of toxins. Its application to reduce body weight is very often associated with the yo-yo effect. Due to the fact that it is a monodieta, its use is not recommended for a longer period of time. To achieve healthy and satisfying results of a slimming diet, it is advisable to apply a diet tailored to the individual needs of the body, and treat the rice diet as a cleansing treatment.

    Tags: diet, rice, rice diet

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