Tag: muscle

WPI vs WPH – which is better?

WPI vs WPH – which is better?

Which protein supplement? In the world of supplementation there are many debates on “what is better?”. Among the most fierce discussion we would enumerate definitely the argument confrontation regarding the effectiveness of whey protein isolate (WPI) and whey protein hydrolysate (WPH). The first issue that comes to mind is digestibility […]

Pack of supplements: Strength! #3

Pack of supplements: Strength! #3

There were answers to the questions “what to take for mass increase?”, “What about the reduction?” Now there will be help to improve muscle strength! There are many messages that say “strength just with training”. However, there’s nothing more wrong, why else would the manufacturers offer so many supplements? Because […]

Can we gain muscles eating 3 meals a day?

Can we gain muscles eating 3 meals a day?

Can we build muscle mass while training at the gym and eating only three main meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner? This is probably not the most optimal choice. Better effects will be achieved by eating four or even six times a day. The truth is that very few […]

Mini cut – what is it?

Mini cut – what is it?

The mini cut is still not a popular solution, often used among training people focused on building muscle mass. This is usually associated with a lack of knowledge about how potentially effective it can be, and how to properly carry it out. In today’s article you will read about what […]



Are you tired of endless breathlessness, trembling muscles after doing two exercise repetitions, and having to take a break every five seconds? Today I will show you how to build better stamina and how to improve your condition step by step. WHAT REALLY IS CONDITION AND WHY DO YOU NEED […]

Extraordinary bioflavonoid – naringenin

Extraordinary bioflavonoid – naringenin

Bioflavonoids are plant compounds occurring primarily in citrus fruit. Their positive influence on the functioning of the human organism has been confirmed by many scientific studies. Among dietary supplements containing bioflavonoids, naringenin is frequently encountered. Where does the popularity of this active ingredient come from? Naringenin for health… Similarly to […]

Leucine successfully builds muscles!

Leucine successfully builds muscles!

Protein synthesis is building new skeletal muscles. When that occurs on a large scale, it’s known as skeletal muscle hypertrophy (increase), or otherwise known as a process thanks to which our muscles become bigger. We will therefore introduce what it is and how the amino acid, also known as leucine, […]

3 forearm exercises

3 forearm exercises

Forearms are like calves, and you either have them or you don’t. However, should we just accept this, sit down and not do anything regarding this to improve how they look? Not necessarily. A lot of people complaining about calves or forearms just do not work on them or they […]

Physical activity of office workers

Physical activity of office workers

Sedentary lifestyle does not always stem from bad habits or laziness. Note how much time we spend at work performing one constant activity. People whose work is dynamic, who often chance the place, position, activity etc. are lucky. In office work, on the other hand, we spend most of the […]

CHANGES. Why timing the supply of carbohydrates is important PART 2

CHANGES. Why timing the supply of carbohydrates is important PART 2

In my opinion, we should eat everything: carbohydrates, protein, fats, of course in doses customised for every person. We need carbohydrates, it’s said that around 100g-150g is a minimum that we shouldn’t lower, as it can impact our health, especially the proper functioning of our thyroid. Unfortunately, a lot of […]

GTx Announces: ostarine impacts lean muscle mass building and ability to increase training endurance, scientifically proven!

GTx Announces: ostarine impacts lean muscle mass building and ability to increase training endurance, scientifically proven!

Today, GTx announced that they have completed the second phase of ostarine research, which is a highest quality selective androgen receptor modulator. Its effectiveness has been confirmed with the results of 120 tested people – 60 elderly men and 60 postmenopausal women. The subjected group did not have a fixed […]

Research on niacin that caused panic

Research on niacin that caused panic

In 2014 in the headlines of many western newspapers and websites there appeared warnings against serious toxicity of niacin, which put a question mark over its safety and sense of usage as a cardiac drug. There have also appeared many researchers, who strongly concluded that niacin is harmful and various […]

Supplementation for women – cont.

Supplementation for women – cont.

Another supplement that should appear for good in the diet of every training girl are amino acids BCAA. As we know, amino acids are restricted compounds building muscles, which contribute to transporting energy compounds in our organisms and constitute around 35% of our muscles. Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA) are […]

OR1GIN! Brand new product from Olympus Labs

OR1GIN! Brand new product from Olympus Labs

Olympus Labs is a company known throughout the whole bodybuilding world as one of the top innovators in sports nutrition. In the past two years, it consistently attracts fitness buffs thanks to its richer and richer product portfolio. The offer includes products such SARMs, thermogenics, pre-workouts and much more… OR1GIN […]

Chocolate cookies on wooden table. Chocolate chip cookies shot. Stacks of chocolate cookies, cookies with chocolate drops, cookies with oatmeal. Assorted cookies.

Amaranth cookies

Amaranth is a plant often called a grain of the 21st century, which is becoming more and more popular because of its health and nutritional valued. Expanded amaranth is a product often chosen by conscious consumer who care about their health. Many of us do not know it enough and […]

Supplement, girl! (part 1)

Supplement, girl! (part 1)

I apologize, but in the today’s article I once again appeal to women. However, I hope that it will also help men, who do not know how to help their training girlfriends, who are often lost in the variety of contradictory information, which we are bombarded with, concerning the training […]

Barbells girls

Barbells girls

Since I posted on one of the community portals the photo of my progress of several months, I have received lots of questions on what I did to make my legs slimmer. Indeed, by changing my training program and eating habits I managed to lose 6 cm from my thigh […]

SARM – introduction

SARM – introduction

For some time now, on the supplements market there is a quite big activity. This is due to innovative product called SARM. Many people buy them without any knowledge, not knowing what it is, how they work, or whether they are harmful. We will try to inform all these people. […]

Strength training plan

Strength training plan

Most people looking for a training plan focus their attention on stimulating muscle hypertrophy that is building muscles. Stimulating the development of muscle strength is less popular, and the quest for a training plan is much less common. But sometimes there is a moment of reflection, where people who pay […]

PLANK – how to plank properly

PLANK – how to plank properly

Planking, or otherwise: supporting the front on forearms. This is an isometric exercise, beautifully shaping abdominal muscles. Planking is one of the basic exercises recommended for shaping abdominal muscles. The advantage of exercise is that the plank involves the deep abdominal muscles, and also strengthens the muscles of the shoulders, […]

How to successfully build muscle mass?

How to successfully build muscle mass?

Step I The very first and basic step in composing any diet is calculating our caloric needs. At the moment of such a calculation we take the first step on the way of being a master of our weight. The formula that is provided below is one of the best […]