Polycystic ovary syndrome is a disorder that many women face. We try, as often as possible, to inform you about reliable reports from the world of science regarding new methods of treating this unpleasant, complex complaint. Today, in response to your questions, we will introduce you to the subject of inositol. Supplementation of this component can significantly reduce the symptoms of POSC, and thus - improve the quality of life.
PCOS overview
Many women who reached for inositol experienced loss of excess pounds and reduced the amount of extra hair. Of course, the response to this supplement is an individual matter and depends to a large extent on many factors specific to the given case. However, taking into account the fact that it is a substance generally recognized as safe - maybe it is worth a try?
In this article we will try to provide you with basic information about inositol. We will explain what it is, how it works, when and how it should be taken. we invite you to read
Inositol - what is it?
Inositol is a naturally occurring substance that was considered to be one of the B vitamins. The body is able to produce it on its own, so according to the current definitions - it is no longer classified as a vitamin Inositol is a commonly used name given to myo-inositol. Therefore, if you see inositol supplements, this is the repair of myo-inositol.
This is important because myo-inositol is part of the 9 inositol family of forms, also known as the isomer. I know, I know, we are going into quite difficult technical and chemical issues, but read on and everything will become clear. The isomer has the same technical composition and arrangement of molecules, but the distribution of atoms differs.

You follow? Basically, there are nine compounds in the inositol family that are actually identical, except for one small difference between them. This means that if your body does not have one form of inositol, it can transform one of the other compounds into one that is missing.
It looks like inositol works in our body for two jobs. First of all, it is an important element in the insulin receptors of every cell. The receptor is on each cell wall and acts as a lock and key mechanism. Insulin must match the receptor that opens and allows insulin to act magically on the cell. If the receptor is not working as it should, the body produces more insulin to compensate for inefficiency, which in turn leads to insulin resistance. Inositol helps the receptor work more efficiently, so insulin can bind properly already on the first try, causing the body to not produce too much insulin.
The second work includes the Insulin signaling path. I am not a biochemist, but my understanding of the role of inositol in insulin signaling is as follows. When the insulin sticks to the cell wall, it triggers a series of changes in the cell. Inositol plays a role in this series of changes, increasing the effectiveness of insulin inside the cell. (1)
Inositol also helps to stop the effect of insulin on the cell when it is necessary. In a sense, it helps to disable the switch.
I hope that we have presented the technical aspects of the inositol operation inside our works quite clearly.
Let's get to the good news ... Why take myo-inositol.
We could, of course, link you with a lot of articles, research meta-analyzes and the like, but for the purposes of this article we will use a brief summary (2). What we achieve thanks to inositol supplementation. There are also several good studies on how myo-inositol helps with fertility and pregnancy. Inositol has been shown
At the same time, we would like to warn you that we have not found too many studies confirming the safety of inositol during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If you are considering taking this supplement during your pregnancy - be sure to consult your doctor. Inositol is available in the form of capsules and in powder form. The studies were carried out using 4 g of inositol per day and combined with folic acid. On average, one capsule contains 500 mg of inositol, so you should take 8 a day. That's quite a lot, but it is not impossible.
The powder form is mixed in a glass of water. It has a slightly sweet taste and almost does not feel it. The exemplary product is Inositol. So all the research on inositol looks promising for women with PCOS. Most of the respondents observed their symptoms reduction after just one month. Some women thinned spectacularly, others lost less weight, but as we said at the beginning - the reaction to the supplement is largely an individual matter.