The most common training mistakes made by beginners.

Are you looking for advice on how to do exercises? Or maybe you've been practicing for some time and do not you see any progress? Perhaps you are making the basic mistakes while doing the exercises, so you can not "go to a higher level". Know that everyone makes mistakes first. However, it only depends on you how quickly you notice and change for the better!

    Trainers can be divided into three groups - beginners, intermediate and advanced. Each of these groups makes characteristic mistakes while doing the exercises. However, the sooner you notice what mistake you make, the better for you! This will help you quickly fix errors and get back to the correct muscle building.

    Errors made by beginners.

    Every beginner makes mistakes. These errors are associated with an incorrect exercise technique. The sooner you notice what mistakes you commit, the sooner you can eliminate them and move forward.

    The correct technique is crucial at this stage of the exercise. This is the period in which performance is visible from week to week, and the figure changes at the fastest pace. The following are standard errors committed by beginners.

    1. Incorrect technique.

    Every beginner wants to lift large weights as soon as possible. This is the most frequent cause of errors related to the incorrect exercise technique. Lifting too much weight, a beginner is not able to focus on the correct technique of exercise. Doing this will have a much worse effect than if it was done properly with less weight. However, let's not get out of the extreme to the extreme, if it's hard to lift 10 x 60kg, then lift 10 x 50 - 55kg, not 10 x 30kg. Also remember that the wrong technique during the exercise can lead to serious injuries (eg "cat ridge" when deadlift).

    2. Too often!

    If as a beginner you have a lot of energy to exercise and you have a lot of constipation - it's very good! However, this can not be the beginning of the end of your training. Beginners often think that the more times a week they will practice the better. This is a basic mistake made by ignorance. Remember! Muscles grow during rest, not during exercise. If your body does not get enough rest, it can not regenerate before the next training, the effects will be much worse than in the case of fewer trainings during the week. Too frequent trainings can make you have no energy to function properly, and thus, you will quickly get off your workout.

    3. Duration of training.

    The duration of training for a beginner is also important as the number of trainings during the week. Beginner should train about 45-60 minutes/training, but not more than 30 minutes for one muscle part. Over time, your ability to work longer and heavier will surely increase, but by that time it is important to remain within your limits.

    4. Isolated exercises.

    Every beginner dreams about developing big shoulders, big biceps and muscular chest in the shortest possible time. It focuses on standard isolated exercises, easier to perform, for which you do not need a special technique. However, the first year of exercise should be based on the basics of building strength and musculature. Multi-joint exercises such as squats with barbell, deadlift, extrusion and pull-ups should be an inseparable element of every practitioner. Will you work out the correct technique faster in these exercises, the better for you! These complex exercises will allow you to build muscles of the whole body, because many muscle groups are used to make them.

    In addition, by doing powerlifting exercises, you can lift much more heavyweight than with isolated exercises. In response to higher weights, your body receives more hormones in the form of testosterone and growth hormone.

    5. Blindly following your idol training.

    Most well-known bodybuilders, as well as weightlifters, publish their workouts online. It can be noticed that the trainings that each known person performs differ from each other in the selection of exercises, the combination of muscle groups, the number of exercises and the duration of training. This is because there is no perfect workout for everyone. Each organism is different, so for each other type of exercise can affect differently (better or worse).

    Bodybuilders and weightlifters (professionals) by publishing trainings do not claim that the training is the best of all. They claim that the training is the best for them. Over the years of hard work on their own figure they got to know their body, they know what is best for them. Therefore, following the given training, you should not absolutely perform the exercises given in the given set. Of course, if the training is fit for you in every respect, do it. However, if you feel "discomfort" with any of the exercises, change them to very similar ones so as not to get injured.

    Tags: errors, mistakes, training

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