The sweet potato – more than a sweeter potato?

of South and Central America. It can have different shapes (spherical, oval, oblong), colors (ranging from white, cream to orange, or even purple), and sizes. They can weigh up to 5 kg. It is suitable for the production of flour, flakes, or alcohol. Carbohydrates such as starch and simple sugars are responsible for their sweet taste. Despite the fact that it is considered to be an exotic equivalent of the European potato, they differ from each other significantly.

    Sweet potato - rich in protein

    The size that a vegetable can reach is directly proportional to its nutritional value. Sweet potato is primarily rich in protein, containing virtually all the essential amino acids for the human body. Depending on the variety of potato, protein can account for almost 10% of all macronutrients.

    Sweet potato - vitamins and many more

    Sweet potatoes are also worth eating because of their unsaturated fatty acids, including linoleic and linolenic acids, the latter sometimes called vitamin F.

    In addition, sweet potatoes contain a lot of minerals. In 100 g of the vegetables we can find potassium (about 373 mg), chlorine (about 85 mg), phosphorus (about 49 mg), calcium (about 30 mg), sulfur (26 mg), magnesium (24 mg), sodium (13 mg), iodine (4.5 mg), iron (0.8 mg). It also provides the body with manganese, copper, and selenium, but these are trace amounts.

    Sweet potato - different is better?

    The unusual properties of sweet potatoes are worth appreciating not only because of the content of vitamins, minerals, or antioxidants (they have more carotenoids than pumpkin, broccoli, or spinach). A low glycaemic index makes the vegetable perfect for diabetics, as it helps stabilize blood sugar levels and reduce insulin resistance.

    Despite the fact that it is more calorific than a regular potato (in 100 g there is about 85 kcal, while the same portion of potatoes has 76 kcal) it can be an excellent snack for those wishing to lose a few extra pounds, as well as those struggling with obesity or significantly overweight. They contain a lot of fiber, so eating them regularly improves the activity of the digestive system, and this reduces the absorption of sugars and fats.

    The high potassium content can help control the body's water and electrolyte balance while supporting heart function and lowering blood pressure.

    At the same time, sweet potato contains a lot of folic acid, which is necessary not only for the production of red blood cells. Its deficiency can affect the functioning of the nervous system. Pregnant women and those planning to start a family should not forget about it. Folic acid deficiencies can seriously affect the health of the child.

    Tags: potatoes, sweet potato, sweet potatoes, yam, yams

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