Tomato juice is a scientifically proven food used, among others. for slimming and relieving hangover symptoms. It strengthens the immune system and lowers cholesterol, as well as regulates digestion and supports the action of the eyes. Tomato juice has many health and nutritional benefits while being low in calories. Therefore, it is worth reaching for it regularly.
Tomato juice in a nutshell
Tomato juice is a juice whose properties and nutritional values have been discovered relatively recently. Tomato juice was first prepared in 1917 in Indiana (USA). Its pioneer is Louis Perrin, who ran out of orange juice and made tomato juice instead.
Tomato juice is made by grinding the flesh of fresh, ripe tomatoes. Then the pips and skins are separated and pasteurized. Sometimes the juice may contain salt, citric acid, and a sweetener. In the United States, tomato juice is obtained from tomato passata.
Tomato juice - for weight loss and more
- Thanks to a small number of calories and a high content of vitamins and minerals, tomato juice is perfect for the diet of people who are slimming.
- Lycopene contained in tomato juice is responsible for its anti-inflammatory properties, protects against breast, prostate, large intestine and lung cancer and prevents the occurrence of atherosclerosis
- Tomato juice a source of lutein and beta carotene, thanks to which it has a protective effect on the eyes - protects against macular degeneration and cataracts
- Due to the presence of vitamin C and vitamin A, it has a beneficial effect on the immune system
- The properties of tomato juice mainly result from the presence of a large amount of lycopene and beta carotene as well as vitamins and minerals, mainly vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin B2, vitamin B6 and potassium
- Thanks to the content of vitamin B6 and potassium, it lowers the level of cholesterol in the blood, reduces the risk of atherosclerosis and heart disease, lowers blood pressure
- Thanks to the content of vitamin B2, it has a soothing effect in migraine headaches
- has a positive effect on the digestive system, supports digestion, regulates the work of the intestines
- Tomato juice contains more lycopene than fresh tomatoes because heat treatment increases its concentration and antioxidant properties
- Thanks to the content of vitamin K and calcium, it has a positive effect on the skeletal system, strengthens bone tissue and accelerates its regeneration
- Vitamin C contained in tomato juice has a positive effect on the skin, as it participates in the formation of collagen, which determines skin firmness
- Vitamin A, in turn, improves the condition of the hair, makes it shiny and strong, and delays the appearance of wrinkles

Tomato juice - how to buy the good quality one?
When choosing tomato juice, it is worth paying attention to the method of production and the composition of the juice. The best choice is the juice obtained from fresh tomatoes, but a great part of the juices available on the market is made from tomato concentrated juice, so read the labels. Another aspect that should be noted is the addition of salt and its amount. It’s best to choose the one without the addition of salt.
Tomato juice - contraindications
Tomato juice is not recommended for people who are allergic to tomatoes. They may develop difficulty breathing, swelling of the tongue or throat
Tomato juice should not be consumed by people with gastro-oesophageal reflux disease and heartburn. Its consumption may aggravate the symptoms of the disease